C3 facilitators (14) L&M facilitators (65) SSS hours (NZC Priority1) NZC sector leader clusters (108, approx 800 schools) EHSAS clusters (540 schools) ICT PD clusters * exploratory studies schools (15) (Other clusters) Taranaki, Wanganui, Manawatu, Hawkes Bay (Massey CED) 2XC3; L&M 42,974 SSS hours 20 NZC Sector Leader Clusters (138 schools) 18 EHSAS Clusters 5 ICTPD Clusters (23 schools) Auckland, Northland (TeamSolutions) 4X C3; L&M 126,913 SSS hours 25 NZC Sector Leader Clusters (150 schools approx) 29 EHSAS Clusters 18 ICTPD Clusters (76 schools) Wellington, Kapiti, Wairarapa (VUW) 2XC3; L&M 36,263 SSS hours 10 NZC Sector Leader Clusters (80 schools approx) 7 EHSAS Clusters ## 5 ICTPD Clusters (32 schools) Canterbury, West Coast, Nelson (UC+) 2XC3; L&M 52,182 SSS hours 19 NZC Sector Leader Clusters (all schools in region) 9 EHSAS Clusters 3 ICTPD Clusters (28 schools) Otago, Southland (OU) 2XC3; L&M 24,643 SSS hours 14 NZC Sector Leader Clusters (145 schools) 9 EHSAS Clusters 3 ICTPD Clusters (18 Schools) Waikato, BOP (UW) 2XC3; L&M 69,576 SSS hours 21 NZC Sector Leader clusters (160 schools approx) 17 EHSAS Clusters 5 ICTPD Clusters (36 schools) NZC: in-school support, supported communities of learning * * Central Otago 4 primary, 1 area Te Aroha 4 primary * Hamilton 3 secondary Wellington 2 intermediate, 1 secondary *
early feedback - monitoring & evaluation Encounters – which resources, support are working Receptivity – how receptive are teachers to implementation? Understanding – the depth in the NZC Practice – shifts in teaching (& learning) surveys – interviews – focus groups – document analysis
early feedback eg Key competencies (ref Hipkins et al) ‘We are already doing that!’ ‘We haven’t got time to do that’ ‘What types of knowledge?’ ‘If they’re not assessed, we’ll just ignore them’ or …
‘early adopter’ schools’ experiences deep changes needed – purposes of education, devising theirown approaches visibility of shared school vision in daily school life (> formal curriculum) coordinating learning from different learning areas (unique & varied contributions) greater opportunity to work on real life problems, self selected topics greater student involvement in assessment a range of ideas & approaches to provide evidence of progress
anecdotes/concerns … Responsibility Varied delivery ‘Coverage’, Depth Initial teacher education, tertiary autonomy Alignment (ERO, NZQA, ITE, MoE programmes…) Time frames – 7½ or ONLY 7½ terms
your feedback/questions … What do you see as the biggest opportunities and challenges in the NZC for you and your schools? What are your experiences of exploring implementation so far? What are your needs? What support might be the most valuable?