Part 1 On the road with Scottie dog.
Well I’ll just be on my way... Hey, wait a minute… I didn’t know you could talk… Actually, contrary to popular belief, I am the bearer of an extensive vocabulary... Errrrrr... Now army! Attack this Scottish variation of the creature known as a dog! Actually, we need to talk... Oh for the love of… excuse me a minute...
When will you pineapplean type deals learn that you can’t just interrupt when I’m making threatening speeches! Well, actually we’ve decided to stop doing what you say... What? That’s right, we’ve discovered your plan to sell us off to a popular drinks company and let them turn us into delicious Lilt ™ !! What drink was that...
Lilt It’s Lilt ™ !! The fabulously delicious alternative to regular soft drinks. It’s tasty blend of tropical fruits helps make lilt the drink you just need to keep on drinkin’ Lilt ™ ! The totally tropical taste! Advertisement
That’s all well and good, but you pineapplean type deals could never take me on !!! Oh yeah!?! Oh….No…..
We’re taking you to the worst possible place a fruit could go... No…No… not there… anywhere but there!! Yeah! Yipee!Woo Hoo! You Suck! ( More so ) Oh please… No! Get off me! What’s going on?
And so…
I believe that this belongs to you... Woo hoo!! Finally I get my ball back!! Hey. Where did you take Dr. Pineapple anyway? Well, it’s probably best described as: Fruit Hell!!
RANGZIB’S FRESH FRUIT AND VEG. Apples! Goin’ cheap! 10 apples for a pound! And we got pineapples! Fresh today! Oh God! I’ve got to escape this torture! Help me! Someone buy me! Please…! Nice one pineapple! You tell those customers!! ‘Errrrr’
Well, I guess I’ll be off home then! Will all you pineapples be alright on your own? Hey! We’ll be fine!! We’re off to the Caribbean!!
So, we leave Scottie dog playing happily with his ball. Everything is back to normal. Well, almost everything... Hee hee...
Scottie Dog.
Dr. Pineapple
The Ball
The ‘Ay watch it’ Dog Co-Starring
Scottie dogs’ faeces
The penguins
All the pineapples Wish you were here... Postcards from the Caribbean
Demented apple like bloke
Market stall guy and extras With
The Fish Special guest appearances from Well this is even worse! Oh! Shut it! Water…need water...Ah!! That’s better!
Written and directed by Mike Scurfield
Copyright 2000 Mike Scurfield productions