“ It ’s HOT” company proudly present The Moon pocket watch and “ It ’s HOT” Coffee mug advertisement !!!
Hey, what’z zhe time ? T i m e ? A n y o n e ? Oy, what time is it now ? How many minutes more until the bell ring ?? T i m e Ti m e Time ? T I M E ?
“My watch was small so I forgot it at home XP ”
Problems because your watch is too small to notice every time you rush to school ? Wearing watch makes your arm feels weird ?
This is the ONE watch that fits perfectly in your pocket that is impossible to oversee ? ? ?
The one The only………… The background image in this slide was removed due to copyright issues
~~~~*~~~~ The moon POCKET WATCH ~~~~*~~~~ Shaped like a moon
For an insider’s view Long hand Hour hand
And of course, the orthogonal view for even more detail [ including sectional view too ]
Moon Pocket Watch The only pocket watch both elegant and providing you with accurate time
And now…. As promised, our COFFEE MUG !!! [No, not this one. This is only for presentation] Coffee mug Coffee mug art work
Here it is… the long awaited “It’s HOT” Coffee mug This slide’s background image has been removed due to copyright restrictions
Graphic of ‘Meta Mug’
Thank you for watching