Chapter 7
Climax: Confrontation between Gatsby and Tom.
Heat (outside temperature) serves as a barometer for the rising tensions present in the group. As the temperature rises, so do emotions (until the afternoon outburst) Pathetic fallacy
Pammy (daughter): Pammy is nothing more than a “dream”, an interesting little object that she displays to the nurse. Pammy presents a problem to Gatsby as she makes it impossible to erase the last 4 years of Daisy’s life (he wants to forget that this exists)
In describing Daisy’s voice as “full of money”, Gatsby is telling the source of his fascination. She represents to him the American Dream. If he possesses her, then he possesses the “Golden Girl” every man’s ideal. Plus all the wealth that America, the golden land has promised.
When Daisy tells Gatsby that he looks “so cool” and that he “represents the advertisement of man”, she is really saying that she loves him. BUT her love is a result of his presentation (just like the advertisement)
Therefore, she doesn’t see him at all, but only his good looks, beautiful shirts and neat suits. When Tom confronts Gatsby, it forces Daisy to make a choice. She doesn’t want to as she enjoys the stability of Tom and being wooed by Gatsby.
Gatsby wants her to say she never loved Tom because this is the essence of his dream… to return to the time they were both young, untainted and newly in love. Because she can’t say this, Tom feels victorious. Daisy shrinks back into herself and he is confident she is his again (so confident that he forces her to ride home with Gatsby)
Upon return home, Nick realizes he will soon turn 30 (represents the end of youth) This forces Nick to assume full moral responsibility. That is why he is repulsed by the Buchanan’s lack of concern/compassion at the death of Myrtle.
Even though Gatsby has been betrayed by Daisy’s refusal to comply to his dream, he is unable to abandon her. He seeks to protect her. Believes she will come through for him when she calms down.