Language Arts 9 Media and Advertising LA9U4L1+2
Agenda for the Day Questions about the lessons this week (1+2) Group project…How to market a super star!
Scope of the Project You are going to be assigned a group You will work with this group for the entire unit During tutorials and for homework you will work together and complete the assigned work It will be the job of the group to market/advertise/sell a movie, rock or super star You will create a commercial to advertise your product that will be presented to the class during an upcoming tutorial You MUST work as a group in order to complete the final project
Group Dynamics Each group member MUST contribute equally to this project. Your mark on the project is determined by how hard you work and the quality of the product you submit. DO NOT let your group members down….everyone is counting on you! Discuss the project, assign tasks, pull it together and present an incredible advertisement!
How do you market a Super Star? How do you market a superstar? Read pages in ResourceLines 9/10
Groups and Your Task Today
Your Task Today In your groups decide WHO you want to market (rock star, movie star, super star). Now…choose a group leader. This person will be responsible for keeping groups on task and for sending all of your group work in. Once you have chosen your product… Construct a descriptive paragraph of NO MORE than 150 words about your star. I need to know who your star is and what they are famous for. You will need to construct this together in your groups using the white board and then send the information to me
What’s Coming Up? 1. Work on your lessons this week!!! 2. Any questions on this? 3. Continue working on your advertisement in our next tutorial!