State Standard n Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to develop from constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic empire. n Discuss haow nationalism spread across Europe with Napoleon
The British Blockade The Continental System Defiance of allies British advantages War of 1812 Weakened French economy
1808 Invasion of Spain Joseph Bonaparte Catholic rebels Guerilla warfare Peninsular War Drain on French manpower and resources
Invasion of Russia “Mother Russia” 1812 winter Battle of Borodino Russian scorched earth policy Ignoble retreat Grand Army of half a million reduced to 10,000
Napoleon’s Downfall The Fourth Coalition A new marriage An inexperienced army 1813 Defeat at Leipzig 1814 Conquest of France Exile on Elba
The Return of Napoleon Louis XVIII The Hundred Days An Emperor restored Waterloo Duke of Wellington St. Helena
Napoleon’s Legacy Changed the face of Europe Legal Codes Destruction of aristocratic power Dual nature of Nationalism
1815 Congress of Vienna Meeting to restore aristocratic power End the French Revolution Balance of Power
Klemens Von Metternich Austrian Prime Minister Three major goals Containment of France Balance of power Return legitimacy
Results of Congress of Europe. Aristocrats back in power Democracy curbed A century of rebellion The Concert of Europe
Western Europe- Working class and middle- class would fight conservatives for democratic freedoms
Eastern Europe- The struggle for freedom would take the form of nationalist uprisings against foreign control