Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Principles: Powell et al.
Operant Conditioning I.Early research A.Thorndike 1.Puzzle box 2.Trial-and-error learning 3.Strong Law of Effect 4.Weak Law of Effect 5.Later version
Operant Conditioning II. B.F. Skinner A.Discrete trial B.Skinner’s early work C.Free operant D.Three term contingency 1.Discriminative stimulus (S D ) 2.Response (R) 3.Positive reinforcer (S R )
Operant Conditioning III. Operant conditioning – ABC A. Operant behavior B. Operant consequences 1. Reinforcers & reinforcement a. Procedure b. Process 2. Punishers & punishment a. Procedure b. Process C. Operant antecedents 1. S D 2. S Δ
Operant Conditioning IV. Contingencies A. Reinforcing or punishing consequence B. Present or remove stimulus C. Four types 1. Positive reinforcement 2. Negative reinforcement 3. Positive punishment 4. Negative punishment
Operant Conditioning Reinforcer Reinforcement Punisher Punishment PositivePresent S Strengthens Present S Weakens NegativeRemove S Strengthens Remove S Weakens
Operant Conditioning V. Reinforcer distinctions A, Immediate and delayed B. Primary and secondary (AKA, unconditioned and conditioned) 1. Generalized secondary reinforcer C. Intrinsic and extrinsic 1. Loss of intrinsic motivation? a. Tangible b. Expected c. Only for performing D. Natural and contrived
Operant Conditioning VI. Shaping - Differential reinforcement of successive approximations A. How to B. Issues 1. Starting point 2. Reinforce movement 3. Step size 4. Frequency of reinforcement a. Satiation b. Extinction