Homework # 13 - Pick up a half sheet from the front table. You will use your notes and the following pages to help complete the homework for next class. Red: pg. 29-37 Blue: pg. 250-258 WARM-UP: What is the best reward you have ever received? What is the worst punishment?
Hit List: Homework Make-up Work: side board Grades Review Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Partner Work Unit Project
Review: Classical Conditioning Before Conditioning: UCS UCR (reflex) NS No Response During Conditioning: UCS + NS UCR After Conditioning: CS CR Before Conditioning: Food Salivation (reflex) Bell No Response During Conditioning: Food + Bell Salivation After Conditioning: Bell Salivation
Review: Classical Conditioning Before Conditioning: UCS UCR (reflex) NS No Response During Conditioning: UCS + NS UCR After Conditioning: CS CR Before Conditioning: Altoid Mint Recognize bad breath/take mint Computer Noise No Response During Conditioning: Altoid Mint + Computer Noise Recognize bad breath/take mint After Conditioning: Computer Noise Recognize bad breath/take mint
Learning Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner Operant Conditioning: Learning from consequences of behavior How does this differ from classical conditioning? Classical: experimenter presents the stimuli independent of the person’s behavior Operant: person must engage in a behavior in order for the outcome to occur (The rat must learn how to solve a problem of how to get food)
Reinforcement A consequence that increases the likelihood a behavior to occur again Positive reinforcement: Presenting something desirable; a reward Ex: Money for good grades Negative reinforcement: Taking away something you don’t like Ex: Taking aspirin to get rid of a headache Ex: Beeping when you leave the head lights on. You must turn off the lights to stop the beeping. Examples: Social approval, money, extra privileges What behaviors do you do to receive these reinforcement? There are obviously reinforcers that work better than others!
Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous schedule: Reinforcement given every time something occurs Ex: Get a piece of candy every time you answer a question. Partial schedule: Reinforcement given only sometimes (4 types) Ex: Get a piece of candy sometimes when answer a question. Which do you think works better? Is behavior best maintained by reinforcing every response? Why?
Partial Schedules of Reinforcement Ratio: behavior is reinforced based on the frequency of responses (Frequency: How often something occurs) Interval: behavior reinforced based on time
Partial Schedules of Reinforcement Ratio Examples: Fixed-Ratio: reinforcement after a fixed # of responses Getting paid for every 5 pizzas made Variable-Ratio: reinforcement after a varying # of responses Playing a slot machine Interval Examples: Fixed-interval: reinforcement for response after a fixed time elapsed Getting a paycheck every Friday Variable-interval: reinforcement for response after random time periods Pop quizzes
Punishment Unpleasant consequence which decreases a behavior to occur again. Examples? Punishers and reinforcements depend on the learner!
Partner Work Reinforcement Punishment - Positive reinforcement: Presenting something desirable; a reward Ex: Money for good grades - Negative reinforcement: Taking away something you don’t like Ex: Taking aspirin to get rid of a headache Ex: Beeping when you leave the head lights on. You must turn off the lights to stop the beeping. Punishment - Unpleasant consequence which decreases a behavior to occur again.
Which one? Indicate whether the following are PR (positive reinforcement), NR (negative reinforcement), or PN (punishment) The police stop drivers and give awards for safe driving. A baseball player glares at a teammate who makes an error. A mother gives candy to the crying child at the grocery store. You leave a building when the fire alarm sounds. A mother smiles when her child says “Mama”
Social Learning Homework #14 Questions Due Tuesday 5/5/09 Red: pg. 42-49 Blue: pg. 259-266 1. Name and describe the three types of modeling. 2. Give an example of how you have displayed self-control as behavior modification. Due Tuesday 5/5/09