MECHANICS Sodertalje, Scania Cup 2013
Mechanics 1. Terminology 2. Court coverage 3. Teamwork 4. Timing & Practical tips 5. Signals 6. Summary
Terminology Obvious play Play that has to be covered correct in all the cases (no excuses) Primary coverage Area/Actions that referee has to be able to cover always Secondary coverage Area/Actions that referee is able to cover after ensuring that able to cover his primary coverage. Expand coverage In top level basketball referee has to be able to expand the coverage on two different play situations at the same time. Giving help Referee who makes correct call out side of his primary coverage but first giving chance for the referee in his primary to make the call. Regular call Considered to be normal call by designated referee (no saver or help) Main principle Trust your partners. Do not feel anxiety or try to control alone the complete game.
Court coverage Work your primary coverage area. Move on court to obtain the best angle and look for the spaces between players. Do not stop directly under the basket. Starting point as L – stay wide! Always two referees must be on the ball-side. Wait on the baseline till ball has been passed / Don’t over run in the back court. Avoid the fantasy calls. Make sure that you call what you have seen.
Court coverage Be in the right spot Be in the right spot Place yourself in the right way (angle) Place yourself in the right way (angle) Know what to looking at (active mind set) Know what to looking at (active mind set) Understand what you see (know the game) Understand what you see (know the game)
Court coverage Active C & Trusted L Regular calls by C has improved for two reasons: Regular calls by C has improved for two reasons: C is ready to make a call C is ready to make a call L has discipline to understand that C is able to make the call L has discipline to understand that C is able to make the call
Court coverage Movements as: Wider angle as L – able to see more play situations Anticipation as T/C for act of shooting You need to anticipate and think various possibilities ahead. Then you can be stationary when something happens. We are looking for quality desicions!
Rotation When Lead starts rotation Center has to stay in his position and cover the play until Lead has arrived to his new position on the ball side of the court and ready to referee the play. When Lead starts rotation Center has to stay in his position and cover the play until Lead has arrived to his new position on the ball side of the court and ready to referee the play. There shall be momentarily Two Centers in this rotation There shall be momentarily Two Centers in this rotation 1) Rotation by L -> L 2) Rotation by T -> C Movements as: Movements as: Wider angle as L – able to see more play situations Wider angle as L – able to see more play situations Anticipation as T/C for act of shooting Anticipation as T/C for act of shooting 3) C stays on the play and when play allows rotates C - > T
Post Play strong side and C We need two referees on the ball side as much as possible. We need two referees on the ball side as much as possible. Sometimes with normal rotation you’re NOT able to cover the play properly. Sometimes with normal rotation you’re NOT able to cover the play properly. C has to be able to pick up new low post (strong side) as L is not able to see possible illegal use of hands. C has to be able to pick up new low post (strong side) as L is not able to see possible illegal use of hands.
Pick & Roll Know what to expect Know what to expect Understand the game Understand the game Scout the teams Scout the teams
Court coverage LEAD Face your hips to the basket. Look for the spaces between players. Do not make crossed calls. Do not leave your position during the pre- rebound situations.
Court coverage CENTRE Stay active. Keep your working area under the free throw line imaginary prolongation. 1x1 moving from the ball-side to the weak side. Penetrations to the basket in the weak side.
Court coverage TRAIL Control the time. Move in angles inside your working area to get open looks. Face your hips to the basket. Boxing in.
Teamwork Cooperation is essential in the officiating. Cooperation is essential in the officiating. We must work as a team: We must work as a team: Before the game: Before the game: Planning our trip and pre-game time (lunch, hotel, walk, …) Planning our trip and pre-game time (lunch, hotel, walk, …) Pre-game conference (note different ways of execute) Pre-game conference (note different ways of execute) During the game During the game Eye contact Eye contact Verbal and non-verbal communication Verbal and non-verbal communication Critical moments. Critical moments. Understand our role. Understand our role. Trust our partners. Trust our partners. After the game After the game Discuss about the game, and learn. Discuss about the game, and learn. Grow as a team, and as a referee (always). Grow as a team, and as a referee (always).
Timing Know the clock all the time Know the clock all the time Pick up the game clock Pick up the game clock Eye contact with the game clock on every start Eye contact with the game clock on every start Use game clock for 24” Use game clock for 24” Take mat to solve it Take mat to solve it Make this action as automatic manners. Make this action as automatic manners. If it is necessary and possible, use the instant replay If it is necessary and possible, use the instant replay What is the different 0,4 or 0,2? What is the different 0,4 or 0,2? What is the different for throw-in on the back court or front court? What is the different for throw-in on the back court or front court?
Practical tips Last free throw: if more players on the NEW front court, T can move a little bit towards mid court line. Last free throw: if more players on the NEW front court, T can move a little bit towards mid court line. During the time-outs: leave the ball on the floor where the game will be resumed. During the time-outs: leave the ball on the floor where the game will be resumed.
Signals Do not signal any player or coach with your finger. Do not signal any player or coach with your finger. After a foul is called, move fast to the reporting area, STOP and begin your communication with the table officials. After a foul is called, move fast to the reporting area, STOP and begin your communication with the table officials. Official signals according the play. Official signals according the play. STRONG court presence. STRONG court presence.
Summary 1. Referee and stay on your primary. This your PRIMARY! need to up-grade quality of primary coverage need to up-grade quality of primary coverage 2. Call the obvious 3. Be in position that you’re able to referee next play! 4. Deliver what is expected = reliability!