22.3 Dawn of a New Era 1. Importance of Battle of Valmy Defeat Prussians and ideals of the monarchies Saved spirit of the revolution 2. Importance of Democratic reforms made by National Convention First democratic constitution in France French Republic Single legislature Universal male suffrage Standard metric system
National Convention must deal with King Louis XIV –Correspondence with foreign monarchs as evidence against him –Jan 1793 – executed by guillotine
Did the new constitution by the National Convention represent “RADICAL” ideas? 1.Yes 2.No
Liberty Equality Fraternity
1.Liberty and Justice for All 2.Life Liberty and Property 3.Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness 4.Liberty Equality and Fraternity
With the new constitution in 1792, what became the motto for the new French Republic? 1.Liberty and Justice for all 2.Life, Liberty, and Property 3.Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 4.Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
King Louis XVI claimed to support the ideas of limited monarchy in the constitution of Does he still represent that idea? Which is accurate? 1.Before he died, he prayed in a Catholic Church. 2.Before he died, he claimed he still had a divine right to rule 3.Before he died, he confessed to the crimes of treason 4.Before he died, he apologized for ruining France
Louis XVI’s attitude at the end helped justify the actions of the radicals. 1.True 2.False
3. King’s quote pg 568 “...I fear that she may suffer the anger of the Lord” a. how does this reflect his belief in absolute power and Divine Right? b. how do you think the public responded? …did this help the cause of the Revolutionaries? 4. Who were sans-culottes? Paris shopkeepers, artisans, workers ….they believed in? Republic elected by “citizens” Reject wealth, extravagance Favor simple life
Sans-culottes would have represented…. 1.The first estate 2.The second estate 3.The royalists 4.The third estate 5.The Moderates
What was significant about their name? “without knee breeches (britches) ” – wear long pants- symbolic of simple working man Pantaloons / trousers culottes
5. Jacobins Radicals Believed in? Republic, defend revolution and against monarchy 6. Girondists Moderates – protect wealthy middle class from sans-culottes Form opposition to Jacobins 7. Sans-culottes supported..? …result? Jacobins – more radical measures and violence
8. other monarchs in Europe felt….? Threatened by events in France Would ally against France England, Spain, Holland, Austria, Prussia 9. Jacobins vs. Girondists Jacobins threaten all monarchies in Europe. Accuse Girondists of being Royalists, arrests, conscription, and more war
A political spectrum to represent a broad range of views ; especially political. Fill in Right – no change Royalists, go back to the way things were Middle – just a little change Girondists Left – lots of change, radicals, overthrow revolution Jacobins
10. Reign of Terror Jacobins – “Save the Revolution” eliminate all opposition Arbitrary arrests and punishments July 1793-July 1794 = 40,000 died
The Reign of Terror went against the original enlightenment ideas of the French Revolution 1.True 2.False
After the successful revolutions, why do you think, (in both England and France) the leaders of the new government turned their back on the Enlightenment?
11. Republic of Virtue Jacobin goal – create Republic w/ good citizens Universal elementary education Teach agric. Skills Temporary price controls Abolish slavery in colonies Encourage religious tolerance
The Republic of Virtue was filled with Enlightenment ideas 1.True 2.False
12 “By mid 1794, many people even favored a restoration of the monarchy.” -why? -TOO Radical, too fast, too extreme -To Restore order
13. Directory and its problems 1795 – new constitution 5 member executive council 2 house legislature Faced opposition from radicals and royalists Economic problems Corruption (economic, political, personal) …..gee…..sound familiar?