Rules and Procedures World History
Notes Cornell notes Do not copy every word—it is impossible and not effective note taking. Main ideas Use the Cornell summary section every day. Make notes from lectures and reading assignments.
Seating I will assign seats as necessary. Be in your seat when the bell rings and be prepared to start. Seating will be changed for projects and special activities.
Moving Around the Room During lecture or direct instruction remain seated. Don’t get up to dump trash, talk to a friend, etc.
Restroom Not in the first or last fifteen minutes of the class. Except during direct instruction; get the pass, fill it out completely, make eye contact with me, leave, return in a timely manner. Abuse of the privilege will result in loss of the privilege. Leave and return without interrupting the class.
Food Food and water may be consumed in moderation during this class only. ALL evidence of food must be removed and or placed in the trash. This means NO evidence of food (paper, crumbs, chicken bones, etc) are to be left in the classroom. Failure to follow these rules will result in a class wide ban on the consumption of food.
Turning in Work ALL work is to be turned in to the basket designated for your work. DO NOT HAND ME WORK AND THINK IT HAS BEEN TURNED IN OR IS MY RESPONSIBILITY; IT HASN’T AND IT ISN’T. All homework is due at the beginning of the period. Work is late after I have gathered work from the basket.
Headings All work is to have your name, date, period, and assignment in the upper right hand corner of all pages of the assignment. Mr. Schmidt Sept. 7, 2011 Period 0 Page 125 Questions 1,2,3
Late Work Late work will be accepted at the beginning of the period on the third day after it is due. The grade for late work will be reduced by 20%. TURN IN WORK ON TIME
Special Circumstances If you have an excused absence; i.e. sickness or school sponsored event you may turn in work at the beginning of the period on the third day after the absence for full credit. BEFORE PLACING IN THE BASKET, MAKE SURE TO PRESENT THE WORK TO ME AND HAVE ME INITIAL SO I AM REMINDED TO GIVE YOU FULL CREDIT
Extra Credit There is none. Keep up with assignments. Take all tests DO NOT come at the end of the semester and ask for extra credit to bring up a grade.
Hygiene Take care of personal hygiene at home or in the restroom. Don’t apply makeup during any class time. Do not apply aerosol sprays including deodorant or perfume in the classroom.
Syllabus (first points) Take it home. Review with parents or guardians. You and they sign the bottom. Cut off the bottom portion and return within three days. Receive 20 points. Make sure you put on the heading and turn in to the basket.