ALCOHOL DEPRESSANT EFFECTS Slows down CNS reaction time breathing heart rate Speeds up appetite & blood pressure Slurred speech
SHORT TERM Impairs judgment Increases blood pressure Increase CO2 production Decreases body temperature Decreases motor control (coordination) Liver scarring begins (cirrhosis)
LONG TERM Loss of memory & verbal skills Digestive tract lining damage Hepatitis & Cirrhosis Damage to heart & blood vessels ADDICTION
ALCOHOL ABUSE Binge Drinking 5 or more drinks in “1 sitting” Alcohol Poisoning Severe allergic reaction to alcohol Blood Alcohol Concentration Amount of alcohol in blood stream
ALCOHOLISM Addiction to alcohol psychological & physical dependence Stages Abuse-binge drinking, lying, hiding Dependence-central focus, need Addiction-most important thing in life
TREATMENT Physical Detoxification 3 days Alcoholics Anonymous - AA Psychological, group meetings ALANON Support group for adult loved ones ALATEEN Support group for teen loved ones