Regional workshop on Climate Change in south and southeast asia on 7-9 Aug 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh Climate Change issues in Laos Immala INTHABOUALY Department of Environment Prime Minister’s Office, Science Technology and Environment Agency
Outline of presentation Background information Completed and Ongoing activities Current CDM Projects Pipeline in Lao PDR Activities need to be undertaken in the future.
BASIC FACTS ABOUT LAOS 1. Country: Centrally located in GMR Area = 236,800 km 2, Mountainous, land locked 2. Population: 5.8 million, 80% in rural areas, 2.6% annual Growth, Life expectancy 53 years, 9% infant mortality 3. Economy: Narrow base - resource exploitation GNP per capita of US$ 428, GDP growth of 7% annually, 26.6% of GDP from industry and other remaining from Agriculture, and services sector 4.Hydropower Potential: over 18,000 MW % of Household electrified
Background information Ratified the UNFCCC on 4 April 1995 Ratified the Kyoto Protocol on 6 February The Science Technology and Environment Agency (STEA), is assigned by the Government to be a UNFCCC National Focal Point and CDM Designated National Authority (DNA). Established a National Climate Change Committee on climate change (Chair by STEA), composed 8 members from difference line ministries Established Technical Working Group on climate change (Head by STEA), composed 21 members from difference institutions.
Completed and Ongoing activities Completed and submitted the Initial National Communication on Climate Change in November 2000, which included: Greenhouse gases inventory-1990 Identification of mitigation options. Strategies Measurement Assessed the technology needs and its priorities for mitigating greenhouse gases. Raised public awareness on climate change (Brochures, leaflets, Meetings/Workshops…)
Completed and Ongoing activities (cont) Finalizing National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA). Finalizing the Assessment of National Capacity building needs under Rio convention: UNFCCC, CBD and UNCCD Setting up DNA for Lao PDR and procedure for proposed CDM approval
Preparation of PDD: Beer Lao Factory (Energy Efficiency) ; Nam Theun II (Hydropower); Selabum (Hydropower). Current CDM Projects Pipeline in Lao PDR
Preparation of PIN: Xeset II (Hydropower); BGA Lao Plantation Forestry Ltd. (Oji Paper) (Reforestation); The Green Diamond Holding Company (Reforestation); Current CDM Projects Pipeline in Lao PDR (Cont.)
Current CDM Projects Pipeline in Lao PDR (Cont.) Preparation of PIN (cont): Domestic biogas programme supported by SNV Netherlands Development Organization (Renewable energy); Rural electrification program (I.E.D: Innovation Energie Devellopement)– (renewable energy) (initial assessment of CDM potential).
Activities need to be undertaken in the future To implement the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) To develop the Second National Communication on Climate Change; To carry out some mitigation measures for GHG emissions through the implementation of projects at local, national level;
To continue participation of Lao PDR representatives in meetings, workshops and training courses and cooperation with international agencies To continue public awareness on Climate Change including CDM issues. Activities need to be undertaken in the future
Thank you