The Science Olympiad New Tools for Teachers New Opportunities for Students
What is Science Olympiad? An international nonprofit organization dedicated to: Improving the quality of science education. Increasing student interesting in science and science careers. Provides recognition of students and teachers for achievements in science education. RMS Students prepare to test in Bottle Rocket competition.
Science Olympiad Events The goals of Science Olympiad are accomplished through training workshops, and intramural, district, invitational, regional, state, national and international tournaments. Students compete as individuals or as teams. Students prepare for competitions during the school year. The Science Olympiad events are easily integrated into current curriculum or serve well as an extracurricular activity/club.
The Events Events represent the various science disciplines such as biology, earth science, chemistry, physics, computers, music, and technology. Students learn from failures as well as successes.
A Balanced Approach Events require: Knowledge of science facts Concepts Processes Skills Science Applications Teamwork Creativity Students doing some Crime Busting
Overall Goals Capturing and retaining the interest of students in science and technology Development of “Intellete” pride for outstanding intellectual performance Enhancement of student self- esteem by giving a feeling of belonging and accomplishment. Enrichment of classroom science programs Strengthening of school spirit Involvement of the community.
Objectives To bring science to life, to show how science works, to emphasize problem solving aspects of science and the understanding of science concepts. To expose students to real-life challenges of working with a team, group planning and cooperation To make science education more exciting so students will enroll in science courses, programs, fairs, and clubs. To attract more students to careers in science, technology and science teaching.
Science Olympiad in Texas Science Olympiad in Texas more than 15 years Texas A&M University (College Station) hosts Texas Science Olympiad with 800+ students competing. Regional qualifying tournaments across Texas The Top 2 Texas teams attend Nationals. RMS Students Competing in Robot Ramble.
Regional Competitions All Texas teams are expected to compete at a regional qualifying tournaments to advance to State competition. Guidelines for the regional competitions are as follows: Each regional will host both a B and C division competition. These will be 'open boundary' regional's, so a team may select any of the regional's that are offered. Each team must attend one regional to be considered for advancement to the State competition -- they may only attend one regional. All teams from the same school must compete at the same regional. All teams from the same school will also compete at the same time period for each event (all have odd or all have even team numbers if teams assigned to odd/even time periods).
Science Olympiad Programs K-6: Science Olympiad Fun Day (non-competitive events at your school) (on prior request) 6-9: Science Olympiad Division B Events (competitive) 9-12: Science Olympiad Division C Events (competitive) Students Conducting Chemical Analysis in Can’t Judge a Powder.
Getting Started Get Administration’s support Seek staff and parent support Get familiar with events and develop materials list Present Science Olympiad to teachers and students Recruit a Team The Smiles of Winners.
Your New Team Register team Learn the events and rules Practice the Events Assign Fundraising Coordinate Support Prepare for competitions Publicity and acknowledgement Compete, regroup and review. Students Doing Computations in Preparation for Storm the Castle Click for Video
The Competitions Nationals are held at Major Universities Across the Nation. Texas Science Olympiad - 2 days at Texas A&M Regionals - held on Saturdays All day events Awards Ceremony Learning Experiences The Goal is to have Fun with Science! Future scientists competing in Compute This.
Fundraising Recruit parents to head up fundraising efforts Conduct fundraising early to supplies and materials can be purchased before training need Involve team in activities Involve community in supporting team. Anatomy Event
When to teach Science Olympiad? Classroom Activity Special Class After-School Activity Combination Activity Proud of their 1st Place Robot
The Team Concept
The RMS 2010 National Team