T10.0 Chapter 10: How Can You Use Educational Technology to Enrich Your Classroom? Chapter 10: How Can You Use Educational Technology to Enrich Your Classroom? Central concepts: national standards for educational technology should drive decisions on use. a student’s skill level will determine the extent to which technology will be applied in the classroom. networked classrooms enhance communication, collaboration, and sharing of resources. educational technology standards can be addressed in science lessons.
T 10.1 can increase student interest. provides purpose for learning. can attach meaning to an ongoing lesson. provides opportunities to perceive knowledge as related. allows for individual student differences. can impact student attitudes toward learning. Educational Technology T 10.1
T 10.2 Why Use Educational Technology? National Educational Technology Standards for Students in Grades K-12 from ISTE (see Table 10.1) basic operations and concepts social, ethical, and human issues technology productivity tools technology communications tools technology research tools technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
T 10.3 Why Use Educational Technology? (cont.) Levels of use will vary with experience: novice level –can use to recall information, obtain facts, drill-and- practice. proficient level –able to use an interface with sensors and probes, create multimedia productions, engage in software simulations. scholarly level –use to design experiments, engage in real-world simulations.
T 10.4 The Networked Classroom promotes: communication collaboration resource sharing Why Use Educational Technology? (cont.) T 10.4
T 10.5 Electronic Resources can provide: instructional links - GLOBE project to explore weather related phenomenon across the planet; national databases to support science teaching such as NSTA or NASA; National Geographic Explorer. worthwhile activities - must check to determine if the content is sound, the information is reliable, and they addresses all safety concerns. value to a lesson through Interactive Video links to cultural institutions such as museums and zoos. The Networked Classroom T 10.5
T 10.6 Design lessons that address the National Science Education Content Standards through engaging student activities. Review the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) identified by the International Society for Technology in Education. Determine where value could be added to the science activity by applying the educational technology skills identified in NETS. see Chapter 10 lesson for an example. How Can Educational Technology be Applied in the Context of Science Teaching? How Can Educational Technology be Applied in the Context of Science Teaching? T 10.6