Exam Paper Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering Subject Code:150602
Exam:1 (Module-I) Q: 1 Define the following terms i) Precipitation ii) Infiltration iii) Interception iv) Runoff V) Transpiration Q-2 Enumerate various type of rain gauges and explain weighing bucket type rain gauge in detail Q-3 The average rainfall over a basin of area 50 ha during a storm was as follows: If the volume of runoff from this storm was measured as 25000m 3, determine the ø-Index for the storm Time (hr) Rainfall (mm)
Q: 4 Results to determine Horton’s infiltration capacity (f ct ) in the exponential form are tabulated below: Determine the infiltration capacity exponential equation Q: 5 Define the following 1) Confined aquifer 2) Unconfined aquifer 3) Specific yield 4) Specific retention 5) Coefficient of transmissibility Time (hr) Fct (cm/hr)
Prepared, Prepared by, Dr Dhruvesh Patel Prepared, Prepared by, Dr Dhruvesh Patel