Whether you transform yourself into a horrific goblin or ghoul, don the fashionable outfits of a flapper or a fairy princess, join your friends in being the entire cast from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, or just go as “yourself”, if you choose to haunt the streets on Halloween, make sure that the only “spooks” you get are for fun. Follow these safety tips and your night will be a real “scream”.
In the movies, the person who wanders off or walks alone is the one who usually gets the most trouble. Remember, there’s safety in numbers. Make sure that you and your friends stick together and watch out for one another.
Although witches’ brews and “spirited” cocktails may be flowing at some parties and bars, if you drink alcoholic beverages, set a limit and play it safe. You’ll need your judgment to make it through the crowds safely. Tip: Eating a meal before you drink, sipping drinks slowly, and having a non-alcoholic beverage in between drinks (water is best!) will keep the hangover from howling the next day.
Unfortunately, not everyone has good intentions on this night of the “paranormal”. While you’re out there enjoying the “treats” of the night, always be aware of your surroundings and any “tricks” that may be going on which may put you in danger or get you in trouble. Tip: Instead of walking or driving, look for the P2P or take a cab to get home safely.
Always know where your Franken-“stein” is and never leave your drink unattended. Some “monsters” carry date rape drugs like GHB and watch for their chance to take advantage of others. Have you ever been told not to accept candy from strangers? Well, it’s not a good idea to accept your drinks from them, either.
Police officers (the real ones—not the ones who are in “uniform” for the night) are there to keep you and everyone else safe. Ignoring laws and safety instructions can create truly frightening experiences.
This information is brought to you by UNC Counseling & Wellness Services and Center for Healthy Student Behaviors for the Department of Housing & Residential Education