Sales / Design Presentation
Topics Aspirating Smoke Detection – What it is Fixed Vs Relative Sensitivity Systems – How do they compare? – ClassiFire ® Design Considerations – The 5 Design Methods – Sampling Pipe Design – Choice of Detector type
Aspirating Smoke Detection A method of smoke detection, whereby a sample of air is drawn from the protected area via sampling pipework, and analysed at the aspirating detector for the presence of smoke. Historically used for very early warning of a potential fire, within very well controlled environments. ClassiFire ® makes it possible for Aspirating Smoke Detection to be utilised in a much wider range of applications.
Pipe Inlets Air Plenum Aspirating Fan Separator/Filter Detection Chamber Laser ExhaustOverview
Air from the protected area is drawn along the Sampling Pipe by an efficient AspiratorAirflow
Passing over sensitive air- flow measuring sensors. Each Pipe is monitored separatelyAirflow
Of all the air which is drawn into the detector assembly…. Only a small proportion (~5%) passes through the separator into the detection chamberAirflow
The remainder passes through a patented duct system called a Wastegate, and is exhausted out of the detector The Wastegate extends the life of the Separator and Detector considerablyAirflow
Light Receiver Any Smoke particulate entering the chamber will be illuminated by the laserDetection And Light will be scattered onto the reflective plane, re- focussed onto the light receiver The quantity of light scattered increases with greater quantities of smoke particulate present
Fixed v Relative Sensitivity Stratos-HSSD ® is the only Relative Sensitivity Aspirating Detection system available All other systems have the sensitivity (the amount of smoke required to produce an alarm) fixed during manufacture The sensitivity of Stratos-HSSD ® is determined by the ambient smoke level of the protected area
Pre-Fire Fire Calibrated to 0.1% obs/m 0.08% obs/m 0.06% obs/m Calibrated to 0% obs/m (Clean Air) Sensitivity is Fixed, Compared to 0% obs/m Ambient As Smoke enters the detector via a network of sampling pipe, the display graph will register the increasing smoke levels, triggering relay outputs as the level passes each pre-set threshold The alarm thresholds are in fact a measurement of smoke density, regardless of whether ambient or produced by a developing fire Fixed Sensitivity
Pre-Fire Fire 0.1% obs/m 0.08% obs/m 0.06% obs/m 0% obs/m 0.03% obs/m 0.05% obs/m 0.07% obs/m However, if the ambient smoke level is not zero (clean air), then the actual sensitivity to smoke produced by a fire will vary Ambient0.03% obs/m If the ambient level fluctuates, then the sensitivity to a fire will also fluctuate Additional smoke required to generate an alarm Fixed Sensitivity
Pre-Fire Fire 0.1% obs/m 0.08% obs/m 0.06% obs/m 0% obs/m 0.02% obs/m 0.04% obs/m 0.06% obs/m Ambient0.04% obs/m If the ambient level rises, the sensitivity increases, and with it the potential for false alarms occurring Fixed Sensitivity
Pre-Fire Fire 0.1% obs/m 0.08% obs/m 0.06% obs/m 0% obs/m 0.05% obs/m 0.07% obs/m 0.09% obs/m Ambient0.01% obs/m If the ambient level falls, the sensitivity decreases, and therefore you will have reduced protection Fixed Sensitivity
Time Smoke Density Fixed Sensitivity Variable Ambient Smoke Level The Sensitivity Level must be set above the highest ambient level if false alarms are to be avoided The Sensitivity to a Fire varies with changing ambient smoke levels
Variable Sensitivity (relative scaling) Time Smoke Density Fixed Sensitivity Variable Ambient Smoke Level Because Stratos-HSSD is a RELATIVELY scaled (sensitivity) detector, the sensitivity to a FIRE remains constant, regardless of changing ambient conditions
Fixed Sensitivity Systems Problems Calibrated to a known smoke density value – Sensitivity to a FIRE varies with changing ambient conditions Greater Sensitivity = More False Alarms Less Sensitivity = Low level of Protection Fixed Alarm Levels – Must be manually altered, and are constantly “out of date”
Comparison of Fixed and Variable Sensitivity Detectors Will Alarm at a fixed smoke density level, regardless of whether smoke is ambient or produced by a fire The sensitivity to a Fire varies with changing ambient conditions ClassiFire sets the correct level of sensitivity, based upon the ambient smoke level ClassiFire maintains that sensitivity regardless of changes in ambient conditions Fixed SensitivityVariable Sensitivity
What is ClassiFire A patented “Artificial Intelligence” process controlling all aspects of the system, ensuring the maximum safe sensitivity - regardless of ambient conditions
What is ClassiFire Detector Output (smoke density) 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% During an initial FastLearn process, the detector samples the environment once each second, and produces a histogram representing the ambient pollution (smoke) level This Histogram fits a Standard Deviation Curve, allowing statistical analysis of the data Mean Variance
+ 1SD > 68% + 2SD > 95% + 3SD > 99% The probability of a normal event occurring outside of + 3 SD is extremely remote. Particularly since events to the left of the curve are not relevant from a False Alarm Point of View ClassiFire uses this information to automatically set the correct sensitivity and alarm thresholds, determined by an acceptable frequency of False Alarms Any normal curve can be divided into 3 equal width strips called a Standard Deviation, with a known probability of a random event falling into each category Statistical Probability 5’10”5’8”5’6”5’4”6’2”6’0”6’4”
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% After the 15 minute Fastlearn process, a slow updating histogram takes over Alarm The Alarm Position is initially set well out of the way (Low Sensitivity) What is ClassiFire And ClassiFire continues to update the histogram for the entire lifetime of the detector
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% What is ClassiFire After 24 hours, ClassiFire has sufficient data to set the alarm position at its best Safe sensitivity….. n x SD Alarm Based upon the statistical Probability of Nuisance Alarms n = Alarm Factor Environment
Setting the Scale Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Alarm Stratos-HSSD Scale Position 8 on the scale is fixed to where ClassiFire has placed the Alarm Position Zero is fixed on the Mean And the Sensitivity and Scale is therefore unique to the particular protected area
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Alarm Stratos-HSSD Scale Setting the Scale Only smoke density levels which are above the mean are displayed on the bargraph of Stratos-HSSD So the usual fluctuations in bargraph display (as seen on Fixed Sensitivity systems) do not occur Fixed Scale Detectors
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Setting the Scale Alarm Stratos Scale n x SD In a cleaner environment, the mean will tend to be at a lower value, and the variance (and therefore the SD value) will be less The Alarm position will still be placed a set number of standard deviations from the mean, determined by the Alarm Factor ‘n’ And therefore the detector will statistically have the same frequency of False alarms as in a dirtier environment The same rules apply to the scale 2%
Reacting to a Fire Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Alarm The slow updating histogram determines the sensitivity and the scale But the Fast updating histogram is still operating, updating once per second As the smoke level begins to rise, the fast updating histogram will register this increase, and display the rising smoke level on the bargraph % 7%8%9% 10% 18%
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Day/Night Mode So far we have only considered the slow updating histogram as a 24 hour entity If we examine a 24 hour period, and separate it into two 12 hour periods, we will probably see two distinctly different histograms DaytimeNight-time The Night-time histogram probably has a lower mean value, and a smaller deviation. This is because smoke producing activity lessons during the night in most premises Both histograms require different levels of sensitivity, based upon the same formula n x SD
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% During the daytime, ClassiFire maintains the sensitivity according to n x SD Alarm Last night’s histogram is stored in memory The fast updating histogram is always operating in the background Day/Night Mode
Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Alarm As night-time approaches, we expect to see a reduction in smoke level, resulting in the fast updating histogram shifting to the left
Day/Night Mode Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Alarm When the fast updating histogram reaches 2/3 of the way to last night’s histogram, ClassiFire checks that the time is within the 70 minute window for status changeover If both conditions exist (smoke reduction and time frame) …….
Day/Night Mode Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Night 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% Alarm ClassiFire changes status from Daytime to Night-time mode The next morning the same process happens in reverse If either of the conditions do not exist (i.e. smoke level not rising on a weekend), ClassiFire will maintain the existing mode
Separator Monitoring Detector Output 0% Count Frequency Real Time ClassiFire Viewer Detector: 001 Alarm Factor: 4 Fire 1 Level: 0.00% Fire 2 Level: 0.00% Pre-Alarm Level: 0.00% Aux Level: 0.00% Sensitivity: 0.00% obs/m Mean: 0.00% Variance: 0.00% FastLearn: ON: 15 Day/Night: Day 5%4%5%6%5%4%5% As the separator becomes blocked, fewer particles will pass through it, and the slow updating histogram will slowly shift towards the left Alarm ClassiFire continually compensates for this, until a separator renewal fault is required
ClassiFire ® is a patented ‘Perceptive Artificial Intelligence’ process which ensures optimal detector performance at all times. – A ‘FastLearn’ system quickly sets the alarm level to an initial low sensitivity. – The histogram generated by FastLearn is used as ‘seed data’ for the standard histograms, which tailor the alarm setting to the operating environment during working and non-working hours.Summary
ClassiFire ® can optimise the detector to the way you work – It can maximise protection during non-operating periods – It can minimise unwanted alarms during working hours – Change of sensitivity can be remotely or automatically triggered – ClassiFire ® continually monitors its environment in order to fine-tune the alarm setting to optimumSummary
Summary ClassiFire ® is simple to set up – An absolute minimum of installer programming is necessary. – A user-definable Pre-Alarm level can be set to generate a warning in the earliest stages of a possible fire if required. – A user definable Auxiliary level can be set to give an alarm event at any level, e.g. if specialist actions are needed in the case of sudden, intense fires. – Pre-set ClassiFire ® alarm factors help to tailor the detector response to your needs and working environment.
Summary ClassiFire Provides and Maintains the optimum Sensitivity for the Protected Area, NOT the Maximum Sensitivity Possible
The 5 Design Methods 1. Primary Sampling
The 5 Design Methods 2. Secondary Sampling Maximum 2000 m²
The 5 Design Methods 3. Localised Sampling
The 5 Design Methods 4. In-Cabinet Sampling
The 5 Design Methods 5. Vertical Sampling 25º 40º 25º 1000º Smoke Cools and Dissipates Smoke Stratifies at Thermal Equilibrium Level Glass Roof Stratos™ Detector
The Pipework Modelling Software for Stratos-HSSD products
Limitations The transport time quoted is only within sampling pipe. Careful consideration must also be given to the time it takes for smoke to reach the pipework To be used for guidance purposes only. There is no substitute for on site testing calculation only as good as the information received PipeCAD ®
The process for modelling a basic pipework system design is as follows The Design Cycle PipeCAD ®
1. Enter the Snap Grid
2. View the “Whole Page”
3. Select the View
4. Add the Building Outline
5. Add the Detector
6. Add the Pipes
7. Add End Caps, Sampling Holes &Capillaries
8. Calculation Options
9. Calculate
10. View Results
11. What do the Results Mean?
12. Other Features Import DXF files Create PipeCAD layouts in 3D format Add labels to a drawing Customization of PipeCAD
13. Help Me! Comprehensive help file Helpline: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) your query and file to:
Detector Applications Choosing the right detector for the job
Stratos-HSSD 4 Sampling Ports Available (plus 4 rear entry) – Single area (Not known which pipe smoke is drawing smoke) Total Pipe Length 200m – No individual pipe to exceed 50m 4 Outputs for Fire Signals plus Common Fault
Stratos-HSSD Requires 24V 1.4 Amp Power Supply / Charger Requires 2 x 12V 12Ah Batteries (for 24 hour operation in the event of a Power failure)
Stratos-Micra 25 Single Pipe Detector for Local Applications Maximum Pipe Length 50m – No Individual Pipe to Exceed 50m 1 Fire Output plus Common Fault – Can be fitted with a Relay Card to give 4 Fire plus common Fault
Requires 24V 1 Amp Power Supply / Charger Requires 2 x 12V 7Ah Batteries (for 24 hour operation in the event of a Power failure Stratos-Micra 25
Stratos-Micra 100 Two Pipe Detector for Larger Applications Maximum Pipe Length 100m 1 Fire Output plus Common Fault – Can be fitted with a Relay Card to give 4 Fire plus common Fault
Stratos-Micra 100 Requires 24V 1.4 Amp Power Supply / Charger Requires 2 x 12V 12Ah Batteries (for 24 hour operation in the event of a Power failure
Command Module A Central Control/Display Panel for Connecting up to 127 Stratos devices on a dedicated loop