Somalia Team Reaching the unreached population in Central Somalia IAWG CAIRO March
Somalia Indicators Population7.9 Million Life Expectancy50 (2008) Fertility rate6.8 births per woman Maternal mortality rate1044 deaths per 100,000 live births (2006) Use of modern contraceptive1.5% of women in fertile age HIV /Aids prevalence0.9% Female genital mutilation/cutting 98% have been circumcised with 78 % having experienced the Extreme form of FGM infibulated or type 3 circumcisions *Estimated number of IDP’s1.46 Millions(April 2011)
Maternity Waiting Homes The are 3 possible ways to improve access to obstetrical services when needed 1.Bringing medical services to women in need - "flying squads" 2. Bringing women to medical services - emergency transport 3.Decentralization of care so that women have easy access to skilled obstetric care
Maternity Waiting Homes The 3 option requires provision of obstetric facilities close to every community MWH : Provide a setting where high-risk women can be accommodated during the final weeks of their pregnancy near a HF with essential obstetric facilities low-cost way to bring women closer to obstetric care 5
Maternity Waiting homes in Mudug region 60,000 IDPS 21 Settlements Assessment was done by IP NGO 9 MWH 1Midwive +2 HP 1 Doctor supervise 5 MWH 6
Maternity Waiting homes in Mudug region Small Rented house in the IDP settlement with 2 rooms to accommodate 2 pregnant ladies at a time. served by 1 Midwives+ 2promotors Normal deliveries Referral of complications Focused ANC,Education &counseling focusing on FGM,BF,early marriage.. 7
Maternity Waiting Home 8
Maternity Waiting Home in Mudug IDP 9
Information Flow 10 1Midwife 2Promotrs 1-2Midwife Doctor Supervisor HOSPMCHMWH MCHMWH
Maternity Waiting Home referral service 11
United Nations Population Fund Somalia Country Office