Labour Market Statistics User Event Welcome
House Keeping Locations for Workshops – Locations for Workshops – Morning and Afternoon The Annual Population Survey – Room 8 Labour Market Online Outputs – Main Hall Measuring Outcomes – Data Advice – Room 6 Afternoon Only Adult Literacy and Numeracy Evidence Base – Room 7
Opening Presentation… Role of Labour Market Statistics Branch Role of Labour Market Statistics Branch The Statistics we work with The Statistics we work with Purpose to Today’s Conference Purpose to Today’s Conference Timetable for Today Timetable for Today Reasons for enhancing our dialogue with users Reasons for enhancing our dialogue with users Options for the Future Options for the Future
Role of Labour Market Statistics Branch… To provide relevant and reliable statistical information, analysis and advice on Scotland’s Labour Market to both Government and external stakeholders To provide relevant and reliable statistical information, analysis and advice on Scotland’s Labour Market to both Government and external stakeholders To help improve decision making, stimulate research and inform debate To help improve decision making, stimulate research and inform debate
The Statistics we work with… The Labour Force Survey (LFS) The Annual Population Survey (APS)
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) Annual Business Inquiry (ABI)
Benefits Information – (in particular the Claimant Count) Public Sector Employment (PSE)
The Purpose to Today’s Conference… Provide colleagues with an overview of the Statistics produced and disseminated by Labour Market Statistics Provide colleagues with an overview of the Statistics produced and disseminated by Labour Market Statistics To discuss colleague’s needs in relation to those statistics through the various workshops To discuss colleague’s needs in relation to those statistics through the various workshops To gauge levels of demand for an on-going forum between our Branch and external stakeholders on the Labour Market Topic To gauge levels of demand for an on-going forum between our Branch and external stakeholders on the Labour Market Topic
Timetable for Today… Morning Workshop (1 Hour) Morning Workshop (1 Hour) Morning Break Morning Break Presentation – Scotland’s Labour Market, Past Performance and Latest Trends Presentation – Scotland’s Labour Market, Past Performance and Latest Trends Lunch Lunch Afternoon Workshop (1 Hour) Afternoon Workshop (1 Hour) Presentation – Government’s Economic Strategy and use of Labour Market Statistics Presentation – Government’s Economic Strategy and use of Labour Market Statistics
Key Reasons for Dialogue… 1. To help keep colleague’s informed of ongoing developments involving Labour Market Statistics. This falls within 3 categories – 1. To help keep colleague’s informed of ongoing developments involving Labour Market Statistics. This falls within 3 categories – a) The changes those statistics show b) Changes to Statistical Measurements c) The impact of Policy Change on Statistics
2. The 2007 Concordat between Central and Local Government, paving the way for Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs) Key Reasons for Dialogue…
3. New Assessment Regime for Official Statistics. Headed up by UK Statistics Authority as of 1 st April 2008
Looking beyond today, we are keen to build and maintain effective relationships with stakeholders. Looking beyond today, we are keen to build and maintain effective relationships with stakeholders. One way could be to host a new working group on Labour Market Statistics – We would be keen to gauge colleagues’ interest in participating in such a forum One way could be to host a new working group on Labour Market Statistics – We would be keen to gauge colleagues’ interest in participating in such a forum Options for the Future…