NCES Update National Forum on Education Statistics Summer Meeting July 2013 Jack Buckley Commissioner, National Center for Education Statistics
NCES Reorganization NAEP’s Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment College Scorecard and Related Tools Common Education Data Standards V 4.0
NCES is Reorganizing Into Three Line Divisions Office of the Commissioner Assessment Division Sample Surveys Division Administrative Data Division Statistical Standards Annual Reports and Public Information
Why Reorganize? “Why not?” is not a good answer. Some opportunities for synergy easier to manage with structural change. Key retirements coupled with flat budgets called some of existing structure into question. Longer-term changes in administrative education data require fundamental rethinking of our role and structure. There are many wily bureaucrats in government—no reorganization plan survives first contact with the enemy. “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.” –Woodrow Wilson
T NAEP TEL 14 NAEP’s Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment TEL puts the “TE” in “STEM” Framework developed ‘08-’10 8 th grade sample in 2014 Designed to measure capacity to use, understand, and evaluate technology as well as to understand technological principles and strategies needed to develop solutions and achieve goals. e
“Wells” Task 7
College Scorecard V 1.0Scorecard
Central Role of IPEDS Data for the Future
CEDS V4 Update
CEDS Version 4 Schedule Content Development (Spring/Summer) Early Learning, K12, Postsecondary CTE, Adult Education, Workforce P-20W (Cross-cutting) Public Review Period (September) Content Revisions/Data Modeling (Fall) Version 4 Release – January 2014
New V4 Content Areas (1 of 2) Early Learning Assessment Staff Quality Measures Federal Collections K-12 Virtual and Blended Learning Rubrics Budgets Allergy Profile Supporting Initiatives: LMRI, Learning Registry, Open Badges, AIF/SIF/IMS, ED-Fi, SDP, Dynamic Learning Maps, etc.
New V4 Content Areas (2 of 2) Postsecondary Federal Student Aid Course Information Student Success Measures Adult Education Career pathways Postsecondary transition Workforce Earnings Industry certification/licensure Program participation
Additional CEDS Version 4 Work Extend – NCES Handbooks Align Support for non-SEA users (limited) CEDS Align and Connect Enhancements Collaboration with other initiatives EDFacts contract - mapping federal program offices and seven states EDFacts program has published the Connections needed for CCD, cohort grad rate, and assessment reporting just in the past week.