Thematic analysis of census results Session 7 Subregional Workshop on Dissemination and Use of Population and Housing Census Results with a Gender Focus
Gender focused analysis July 2011Jessica Gardner2 Gender and education Gender and migration Gender and employment Gender, families and households Gender, health and mortality Gender, population and marriage Gender and disability Gender and technology Gender, income and assets
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner3
Example: Gender and education July 2011Jessica Gardner4 Census will tell us: School attendance Highest level of education achieved Literacy Also: Occupations – teachers, professionals, etc Demographic characteristics – age, sex, migration status etc Housing characteristics – type of house, access to water, etc
Step 1 – identify the issues July 2011Jessica Gardner5 Priorities for education in country A Ensuring all citizens get at least primary school education Increasing the proportion of the population with tertiary qualifications Ensuring teachers are appropriately trained and skilled Issues in education More difficult to get to school rural areas Cultural barriers to education as traditional customs are a priority Preference for educating boys first Hard to find good teachers for all areas of the country
Step 2 – Analyse the data July 2011Jessica Gardner6 1.Currently a student (full or part-time) 2.Left of finished education 3.Never been to school
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner7
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner8
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner9
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner10
Step 3 – present the findings July 2011Jessica Gardner11
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner12
25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner13
Example: Gender and education July 2011Jessica Gardner14 Census will tell us: School attendance Highest level of education achieved Literacy Also: Occupations – teachers, professionals, etc Demographic characteristics – age, sex, migration status etc Housing characteristics – type of house, access to water, etc
Group activity D July 2011Jessica Gardner15 Groups: Fiji (RL 4) FSM + Kiribati (Lunch area) Indonesia + Timor-Leste (Training Room) Vanuatu + Solomon Islands (Foyer area) Prepare an 1-2 page outline for a gender monograph, including: Objective Target audience Format (style, length, etc) Content (topics / headings) Steps involved …anything else you think should be included