Stem cell debate
First round of research What issues surround the debate over government funding of stem cell research? What are three sources of stem cells and the advantages and disadvantages associated with using each? How might stem cells be used to treat a disease such as diabetes? What do you think is an important issue that needs to be debated as we make decisions about stem cell research?
The three stances 1. “All research funding using human embryonic stem cells should be illegal in the United States” 2. “Human embryonic stem cell research funding should be legal in the United States, but only embryos pre-designated to be discarded from IVF clinics can be used to obtain the human embryonic stem cells.” 3. “Human embryonic stem cell research funding should be legal in the United States; human embryos should be created for the sole purpose of obtaining embryonic stem cells for therapeutics (this would include therapeutic cloning)”
8 groups please
Dispersion of roles/characters You are not necessarily these people (since there are many of you You are their hired “legal” representation. You work to further THEIR AGENDA regardless of your own view on the topic. – If you have an opposing view to your person that just better helps you understand what your opposition will say At the end of the debate you will vote as your own self after listening to all sides
Pre-Debate requirements You must turn in, at the beginning of class on the date of the debate, at least one page (TYPED) of notes and ideas to use in the debate. If you wish to use these notes during the debate (HIGHLY recommended), you should bring 2 copies of your notes to class. These notes will be graded as a (larger) homework assignment. Your participation within the debate will be graded as a (medium) quiz grade
Post-Debate Requirements After the debate you need to write a 1-2 page TYPED double-spaced summary of the evidence presented during the debate. – note taking the debate is therefore highly encouraged Remember to summarize evidence provided by ALL sides of the debate. Your response should include both which side you believe won the debate AND which side of the controversy you agree with. The summary of evidence presented in the debate will be graded as a (medium sized) test grade