Multi-anvil at the NSLS Michael Vaughan Liping Wang Jiuhua Chen Baosheng Li Li Hélène Couvy Wei Liu Carey Koleda Bill Huebsch Ken Baldwin
2001Beginning of COMPRES –Conical slit stress measurement. This enables measuring elastic strain in two (or more) different directions with respect to non- hydrostatic stress direction, an enhancement over the initial unidirectional strain measurements pioneered in –The possibility of constructing two new hutches dedicated to high pressure science was floated. –38 runs were performed
2002Construction of new hutches began. –DOE contributed $1,440,000 through the NSLS –NSF contributed $160,000 through CHiPR –Stony Brook University contributed $50,000 –D-DIA (for steady state deformation). This new deformation device enables changing the vertical load on the sample while maintaining a constant pressure. A trial run was made using a borrowed D-DIA, with the pumping system located in the construction area for the new hutch. –32 runs were performed
2003New Hutch for X17B2 This greatly increased the efficiency of operations by the elimination of re-installation of the equipment for each beamtime, allowing a doubling of the annual number of runs, with no actual increase in beamtime. –Funding made available for building and installing a dedicated D-DIA in X17B2 –NSLS General User Proposal system adopted for all users. This increased the number of proposals, especially from local users. –79 runs were performed
2004Time-sharing with X17B3 Installation of a removable, evacuated beam pipe through the X17B2 hutch made practical simultaneous use of the DAC and MAP. –First experiments on imaging of molten metals for measurement of viscosity –Rotational Drickamer Apparatus (RDA) from Yale University temporarily installed and used. A decision made to request funding for a permanent installation of such an apparatus –111 runs were performed
2005Monochromatic Side Station Funding was obtained for the construction of an additional beamline, within the X17B2 hutch. –DOD contributed $182,000 and Stony Brook contributed $50,000 –A MAR345 imaging plate system was purchased for the monochromatic side station –Construction began and completed for the table to support the MAR345, a set of slits, and a press. –First experiments performed using an under-development monochromator. The ability to perform white radiation experiments simultaneously was demonstrated. –100 runs were performed in the first 9 months of the 2005 fiscal year.
Stress as a variable s = M*e (1) = M* el (3) σ(t) = σ 0 sin(2 π f t) ε (t) = ε 0 sin(2 π f t - d) (2)
Generate stresses under pressure > 3GPa Multianvil apparatus D-DIA Rotational Drickamer Apparatus (RDA) Deformation DIA
Measure Stress = M* el HP device
0o0o 360 o 0o0o 22 ab Olivine deformation at 10GPa
Multi SSD Press Sample Measure plastic strain ε ~ 1mm
Rotational Drickamer Cell, Yale group
(IV) Measure stress-strain phase-lag at high pressure Al 2 O 3 MgO Al 2 O 3 ~2mm Advance/retreat direction
P mean =( kbar Stress, kbar Stress state in NaCl Max. T=500 C RT Kung et al, 2004
Study of Molten Materials under High Pressures and Temperatures Opportunities at Synchrotron X-ray Beamlines
Bulk Properties of Melts Viscosity Density Acoustic Velocity
Jiuhua Chen
Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements Transducer Buffer RodSample Reflection/Transmission Interferometry Resonance Ultrasonic Spectroscopy GHz Ultrasonic Interferometry Precision ~ Baosheng Li
Workshop Feb Melts and Glass Structure Elasticity Rheology Phase Transformations
Needs: Soller Slit system
Needs High resolution stress measurement (MRI pending) Near real time data analysis Acoustic emission system 2000 Ton press Development of X17A