Snow Hydrology: Microwave Interaction with Snowpack Do-Hyuk “DK” Kang Environmental Engineering University of Northern British Columbia December 5 th, 2013 Northern Hydrometeorology Group
Frolov and Marchert 1999, Hallikainen et al. 1986, TGRS
EM WAVE PROPAGATION TX RX TX Inan and Inan Electromagnetic Waves,
Hallikainen et al. 1986, TGRS
Amplitudes and Histograms
Phase and Fourier Transforms
Key Words Matzler and Wiesmann 1999 Devonec and Barros 2002 TbTb TsTs p ec freq LWC
Model Setup State Variables (SWE [m], Snow depth [m], Snow density [kg/m 3 ], Snow Temperature [K], and Grain Size (will be) at each layer from 1st to nth layer 1-D Column simulation both for snow physics and radiation schemes with multi-layer Hourly Met. Data needed to drive model Output: Hourly Vertical Profiles of Snowpacks, Corresponding Tb [K], emissivity [ ], and Teff [K]
Site Descriptions Valdai, Russia, 78~83, SMMR, 25X25 km CLPX , 02~03, SSM/I, AMSR-E 25X25 km
Coupled Model I : Snow Physics Mass Balance Energy Balance
Coupled Model II : Snow Radiation Kang and Barros 2010 Matzler and Wiesmann 1999
Schanda and Matzler 1981 Willis et al RS and Env Kang et al Accepted in IEEE
Kang et al Accepted in IEEE
Kang et al Accepted in IEEE
Wiscomb and Warren 1980 VS Mätzler GHz = infrared 37 GHz = microwave
Ice-Lamellae Model (Mätzler 2000, DK imp.) Six flux theory: r, t, and e
Scattering: multi freq.
Future Topics Grain size Ice lenses within snow layers Depth hoar/surface hoar First snow Intensity (radiative trnaser) Electric Dipole Moment Impedance Matching
Schanda and Matzler 1981 Willis et al RS and Env Kang et al Accepted in IEEE
Kang et al Accepted in IEEE
Kang et al Accepted in IEEE
Dry Snow VS Wet Snow
Dry Snow Wet Snow
Water Presence
Coupled Model Kang and Barros 2010 Matzler and Wiesmann 1999
Matzler and Wisemann 1999 RS and Env
BC ministry, Environment Canada
VIC application to FRB
Summary Introduced L band Snow Sensor Simulated Snow Physics and Radiation Physics in both Valdai and CLPX 2002 Future View NCEP based model application into FRB NARR based model application into FRB expected Paper 1: point scale snow hydrology assessment + VIC watershed scale investigation Radar response Paper 2: grain size, LWC toward radar backscattering signals
Key Words Matzler and Wiesmann 1999 Devonec and Barros 2002 pol. p ec freq Water incluson
Hallikainen et al. 1986, TGRS Colbeck 1974
Based on Chang et al. 1987
Outline Coupled multi-layered snow physics model with passive microwave simulator Demonstrated model performance at two different locations:1) Valdai, Russia and 2) CLPX 2002
Model Setup State Variables (SWE [m], Snow depth [m], Snow density [kg/m3], Snow Temperature [K], and Grain Size (will be) at each layer from 1st to nth layer 1-D Column simulation both for snow physics and radiation schemes Hourly Met. Data from RUC40 MM5 Output: Hourly Vertical Profiles of Snowpacks, Corresponding Tb, es, and Teff [K]
Dry Snow VS Wet Snow
Coupled Model II : Snow Radiation Kang and Barros 2010 Matzler and Wiesmann 1999
dry Snow case
Wet Snow case
Part 1: Motivations History of Snow Hydrology Model Legacy of Microwave Remote Sensing of Snowpack Challenge in measurement of snowpack Snow Hydrology Forward Radiation Coupled Model
Hallikainen et al. 1986, TGRS Colbeck 1974
Key Words Matzler and Wiesmann 1999 Devonec and Barros 2002 TbTb TsTs
Part 2: Implementation Snow Physics Model Snow Radiation Model Challenge in measurement of snowpack Physics Model Radiation Model Coupled Model
Key Words Radiation Physics Matzler and Wiesmann 1999 Devonec and Barros 2002
Hallikainen 1986, TGRS