+ VP Communications Report Azra Avdagic February 10th, 2013
+ What’s Coming Up? Gradbook: Facebook Group, pictures 2 nd Term Grad Photos State of Council Address (finally!!) Spring Elections Policies and By-Laws Re-Structuring KUCSC Branding Strategy Poster Policy Regis Branding Strategy
+ Social Media 1,184 1,143
+ Updates… Grad Photos for 2 nd semester: Feb. 11 th to March 1 st Grads: pay attention to FB and Twitter, new group (for pictures) and survey coming out Free Gradbook if you’ve paid your $25 sitting fee, will also be selling them separately Graduation Photos and Gradbook
+ Updates… Reminder that all Commissioners and Reps are required to submit a turnover manual to their successor – to Andrea: Due March 27 th Guide: Online database of next year Turnover Manuals
+ State of the Council Address Tuesday, February 26 th 7pm Games Room Refreshments provided!
+ New Issue this month Creating a Branding Strategy Check out online articles! Write for the Regis :
+ Spring Elections Presidential and Rep. Elections: Nomination Period: February 11th-25th All Candidates Meeting: February 25th, 10pm Campaign Period: February 26th-March 3rd (11:59pm) Voting Days: March 4th (12:01am) & 5th--ballot closes at 7pm, results announced at 9pm Presidential Debates: Council Debate March 3rd (Council Meeting— moved to accommodate) Public Debate: to be determined **Vice Presidential Elections: Nomination Period: March 11 th -18th All Candidates Meeting: March 18th, 10pm Campaign Period: March 19th-March 24th (NOTE: Council Meeting is the 24th, Debates will take place as well as Internal Elections of VP Communications and VP Finance, ALSO VP Com and VP Fin tests will take place in this time period) External Positions Voting Days: March 25th and 26th, ballot closes on the 26th at 7pm, results announced at 8pm (for internal and external elections) Turnover Weekend: Saturday, April 6th, 2013
+ Public Debates Presidential: Vitali Student Lounge Wednesday, February 27 th 2:30pm-3:30 VP: Alumni Extension in Café Wednesday, March 20 th 12:30pm-1:30pm
+ More to follow on: Policies and By-Laws Re-Structuring KUCSC Branding Strategy and Poster Policy Regis Branding Strategy
+ Platform Points Elections Policy Online Resource Centre Reaching out to Media Residence Council Improvement of Website Promoting Academic Events KUCSC Visibility
+ Contact Me!