Working Together – The Role of ODP with ICF/MR Agencies Office of Developmental Programs
Objectives for this Session: Define role of ODP in increasing communications with public and non-state ICF/MR agencies. Define the role of ODP in the collaborative development of best practices in programmatic supports, Risk Management practices, positive practices, Rights Protection, and person-centered planning approaches. Define role of ODP in the collaborative development of staff capacity/training development for ICF/MR agencies.
Mission Statement The Mission of Pennsylvania DPW is to: Promote, improve, and sustain the quality of family life. Break the cycle of dependency Promote respect for employees Protect and serve the state’s most vulnerable citizens Manage our resources effectively
Basic Principles of ICF/MR Facilities are : Each individual has capacity for growth and development Each individual should have access to services that enhance his/her development, well-being and quality of life
Basic Principles of ICF/MR Facilities: Each individual should have access to the most normal and least restrictive social and physical environments consistent with his/her needs. Each individual’s services should be delivered in accordance with a single, comprehensive individual support plan that is developed, monitored, coordinated, and revised by members of an interdisciplinary team.
Basic Principles of ICF/MR Facilities & Everyday Lives Values ICF/MR PrinciplesEveryday Lives Values Capacity for growth and development Individuality; Success; Safety; Mentoring Access to services that enhance development, well-being & quality of life Choice; Control; Stability; Rights; Quality
Basic Principles of ICF/MR Agencies & Everyday Lives Values ICF/MR PrinciplesEveryday Lives Values Access to least restrictive environments to meet needs Freedom; Community Inclusion; Relationships; Privacy Services delivered in a single, comprehensive support plan developed & monitored by team Accountability Collaboration
Increasing Communication Visit non-state ICF/MR agencies Restart the ICF/MR Forum Meetings Forums will be working meetings and include public and non-state ICF/MR agency and ODP staff Forums will be driven by ODP initiatives Forums will include topics driven by participants
Develop Best Practices Forums/meetings will address topics related to: Programmatic Supports Risk Management Practices Positive Practices/Rights Protection Person Centered Planning Efficient Resource Utilization
Development of Staff Capacity Training needs will be identified to support the basic principles of ICF/MR Facilities Trainings will be provided to support the basic principles and the best practices in the areas that promote the values of Everyday Lives
Next Steps/Questions April – initiate ICF/MR Agency Forums Visits to ICF/MR facilities Comments/Questions