What are Other Countries Doing for IYV-2001? IYV Strategy Planning Workshop Thimphu, Bhutan June 29.


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Presentation transcript:

What are Other Countries Doing for IYV-2001? IYV Strategy Planning Workshop Thimphu, Bhutan June 29

National Committees Around the World  28 committees established from Argentina to Uganda  29 committees being formed from Brazil to Vietnam

New York City Identified organizations in all five boroughs and Long Island to reach NYC’s 9 million residents and promote cultural diversity. USA

ARGENTINA Executive Board formed of governmental and non-governmental organizations affiliated with social, cultural, health, academic, environmental, and emergency activities.

WANDA The Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture inaugurated the National Committee, which includes representatives from the three Ministries, the National Assembly, NGOs and religious organizations.

JAMAICA Established a “Search for Model Volunteers Committee”

PORTUGAL Maria-Jose Ritta, the First Lady, heads the IYV 2001 National Committee, as promulgated by Portugese law 389/99 on volunteerism.

MONGOLIA Promotional booklet and video titled “Volunteers in Mongolia”

KALININGRAD Volunteers will disseminate information on IYV to high and secondary schools in the region RUSSIA

HONG KONG V-teen Cyber Hunt: Students called on to save a valuable info center from a deadly computer virus. They simply had to volunteer and make use of their service hour to save the information.

ROMANIA International poster exhibition in Transylvania of posters promoting volunteerism worldwide

SOUTH KOREA 2500 participants attended “Volunteers for a Caring Society” conference in Dec., 1999


What are Other Countries Doing for IYV-2001? IYV Strategy Planning Workshop Thimphu, Bhutan June 29