Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Welcome! 2. Syllabus, etc 3. Find Someone Who…A&P Style Homework - Turn in Signature Form - Get supplies – Must have Notebook ASAP - Exam 9/9 (A) 9/10 (B) Warm Up Why did you choose to take Anatomy & Physiology?
Find Someone Who 1. What is the definition of anatomy? Study of the structure or shape of the body 2. What is the definition of physiology? Study of how the body and its parts work or function 3. What are the four major groups of biomolecules? Carbohydrates, lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids
Find Someone Who 4. What are the four types of tissues in the body? Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous 5. What is an osteocyte? A bone cell 6. What is the antagonist to the biceps muscle? Triceps muscle
Find Someone Who 7. What ions are involved in an action potential? Sodium and Potassium 8. What is the function of the iris in the eye? Scatter light entering the eye 9. The endocrine system uses the ______ system to transport hormones. Cardiovascular
Find Someone Who 10. The heart has four chambers. The _____ receive blood, while the ______ discharge blood. Atria, Ventricles 11. HIV attacks ______ cells. Helper T 12. What is the function of the epiglottis? Route air down the Trachea (windpipe) and food down the Esophagus 13. What are the structures of the alimentary canal? Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. New Seats 2. Collect Signature Form 3. Resource Pages 4. Register for “Remind” 5. Student Information Form 6. Online Textbook 7. Unit Vocabulary Homework - Work on Vocabulary – use online textbook - Get supplies – Must have Notebook ASAP - Exam 9/9
Register for “Remind”
Complete Student Information 1. Go to my website
Registering for and Accessing Online Textbook 1. Go to my website 2. Select Anatomy & Physiology and then select Resources 3. Find the instructions for accessing the online textbook and register for the course. Make sure you record your information on the worksheet.
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. New Seats 2. Collect Signature Form 3. Resource Pages 4. Register for “Remind” 5. Student Information Form 6. Online Textbook 7. Unit Vocabulary Homework - Work on Vocabulary – use online textbook - Get supplies – Must have Notebook ASAP - Exam 9/10
Register for “Remind”
Complete Student Information 1. Go to my website
Registering for and Accessing Online Textbook 1. Go to my website 2. Select Anatomy & Physiology and then select Resources 3. Find the instructions for accessing the online textbook and register for the course. Make sure you record your information on the worksheet.
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Stamp Unit Vocabulary 2. Notes – page 1 3. Introduction to A&P activity 4. Form Fits Function Writing Assignment Homework - Form Fits Function Writing Assignment - Get supplies – Must have Notebook NEXT CLASS PERIOD - Exam 9/9 Warm Up What is the definition of anatomy and physiology?
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Stamp Unit Vocabulary 2. Notes – page 1 3. Introduction to A&P activity 4. Form Fits Function Writing Assignment Homework - Form Fits Function Writing Assignment - Get supplies – Must have Notebook NEXT CLASS PERIOD - Exam 9/10 Warm Up What is the definition of anatomy and physiology?
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Turn in Writing Assignment 2. Set Up INB 3. Language of Anatomy Worksheets Homework - Complete Language of Anatomy Worksheets - Language of Anatomy Quiz NEXT CLASS!! (open notes) - Exam 9/9 Warm Up Describe the principle of form fits function using the structure of an ear.
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Turn in Writing Assignment 2. Set Up INB 3. Language of Anatomy Worksheets Homework - Complete Language of Anatomy Worksheets - Language of Anatomy Quiz NEXT CLASS!! (open notes) - Exam 9/9 Warm Up Describe the principle of form fits function using the structure of an ear.
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Stamp Language of Anatomy pages Language of Anatomy Practice 3. Language of Anatomy Quiz (15 min) – Open Notes 4. Notes pg 2 5. Organ Systems Foldables Homework Make sure all papers are glued into your INB Exam 9/9 Warm Up What are the levels of organization in the body from smallest to largest?
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Stamp Language of Anatomy pages Language of Anatomy Practice 3. Language of Anatomy Quiz (15 min) – Open Notes 4. Notes pg 2 5. Organ Systems Foldables Homework Make sure all papers are glued into your INB Exam 9/10 Warm Up What are the levels of organization in the body from smallest to largest?
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Finish Organ System Foldables (20 min) – Stamp 2. Notes pg 3 3. Homeostasis Activity - Stamp Homework - Exam NEXT CLASS PERIOD - INB is graded next class period Warm Up What happens to your body, physiologically, when you are in 100°+ temperatures? Why?
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Finish Organ System Foldables (20 min) – Stamp 2. Notes pg 3 3. Homeostasis Activity - Stamp Homework - Exam NEXT CLASS PERIOD - INB is graded next class period - Don’t forget to fill in the parent input page for this unit Warm Up What happens to your body, physiologically, when you are in 100°+ temperatures? Why?
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Review for Exam (20 min) 2. Collect Notebooks 3. Exam 1 4. Unit 2 Vocabulary Homework Work on Unit 2 Vocab Warm Up - The patella is _____ to the fibula. - The thoracic cavity is _____ to the vertebral column. - The skeleton is _____ to the skin. - The lumbar is ______ to the abdomen.
Anatomy & Physiology Agenda 1. Review for Exam (20 min) 2. Collect Notebooks 3. Exam 1 4. Unit 2 Vocabulary Homework Work on Unit 2 Vocab Warm Up - The patella is _____ to the fibula. - The thoracic cavity is _____ to the vertebral column. - The skeleton is _____ to the skin. - The lumbar is ______ to the abdomen.