Welcome to Back to School Night Anatomy & Physiology Kate Howell Voic x3581
Material Covered Human Body Systems (organs, functions, diseases) Chick development (hatching chicks) - possibility Dissection (sheep heart, cow eye, fetal pig)
Grading 30% - Major Assessments and/or Major Projects 3-4 major assessments each marking period (may include lab tests) 30% - Minor Assessments and/or Minor Projects Includes: lab write-ups, essays, quizzes 10% - Quarterly Assessments Given approximately at the end of each marking period 20% - Classwork Laboratory work (data collection, working with equipment, etc.), group work (presentations, white-boarding, etc.), note taking, and journaling 10% - Homework Expect homework almost every night (NO LATE HOMEWORK ACCEPTED)
Home Access Center Grades are updated regularly (couple times each week) If no score is entered for an assignment, it does not mean that is a zero (just not entered yet) A score of 0 will be entered if it was never turned in or no credit was earned
Policies No late homework No work accepted after work is handed back graded Absences Extra Help
Online Textbook Available from my website ( Username: bensalem1516 Password: Bensalem2015
Stay Updated Remind (formerly Remind101) To: 81010
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