Old New. Now answer these questions. 1 Do you know the title of the song? And who is the writer? 2 In the song, there is a sentence “ 更立西江石 壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。


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Presentation transcript:

Old New

Now answer these questions. 1 Do you know the title of the song? And who is the writer? 2 In the song, there is a sentence “ 更立西江石 壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。 ”. What do you think the writer means? And what does “ 高峡 ” refer to? 3 Has the writer’s dream become true? How much do you know about it? 《水调歌头 游泳》 毛泽东 He suggested to build a dam to make a reservoir. The Three Gorges Yes. It has.

The Three Gorges Dam

dream (v) energy generate harness historical narrow poem power power station submerge suggest dream (v) energy generate harness historical narrow poem power power station submerge suggest 想像,梦想 能量,能源 发(电) 利用,将(自然力)变成动力 历史的,有关历史的 狭窄的 诗,诗歌 力量,动力 发电站,发电厂 浸入水中,淹没 建议,表明 想像,梦想 能量,能源 发(电) 利用,将(自然力)变成动力 历史的,有关历史的 狭窄的 诗,诗歌 力量,动力 发电站,发电厂 浸入水中,淹没 建议,表明 Pre-reading: Check the meaning of these words.

While-reading: Fast reading: Look through the passage as fast as you can to find the answers to the following questions. 1 Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone…” Did Mao Zedong actually see the walls of stone? 2 The power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. Does this mean that the power can be used or not? 3 Sun Yat-sen first suggested the idea in Did Sun Yat-sen think of the idea himself or hear it from someone else? 4 About 800historical relics have been submerged. Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged? No,he didn't. It means the power can be used. He thought of it himself. No,it isn't.

Further reading: Skim the passage once again to get the general idea of each paragraph. Para 1 ______________________________ _____________________ Para 2 _____________________________ _______________ Para 3 _____________________________ Para 4 Para 5 Mao Zedong’s dream of building a dam has come true. General introduction of the Three Gorges Dam. The reason for building the dam. The effects of the dam. ______________________________________________

Careful reading: Read the passage again and write questions for the answers. Example: Which is the world’s third longest river? The Yangtze River. 1 Why _____________________________?To control flooding and provide hydroelectric power. 2 How high________________?Two hundred meters. 3 How ______________________?One and a half kilometers. 4 Who _________________________________________________ ? Sun Yat-sen. 5 How much ________________________________________ Three quarters. 6 How many _______________________________________ ? Four thousand. was the Three Gorges Dam built is the dam wide is the dam first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River of China's energy is produced by burning coal villages were flooded when the dam was built

Post reading: Group work– Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1 What are the advantages of the Three Gorges Dam? 2 What are the disadvantages? 3 Do you think the advantages are important than the disadvantages?

Thank you ! Goodbye!

Exercises for consolidation——Translate the following phrases. 1 梦想, 向往 ___________________ 2 阻挡,抑制 _____________________ 3 实现 ____________________ 4 为 …… 提供 ……_________________ 5 在历史上 _______________________ 6 与 …… 相等 _____________________ 7 过 …… 的生活 ___________________ 8 放进 ___________________________ dream of hold back come true provide sth for sb in history be equal to live / lead a …life put into

Intensive reading: Read the passage carefully and finish the following questions. 1 Mao Zedong wrote a poem __ ______ he ______ __ “wall of stone to _____ _____…”. ① dream of 表示 ______________ ② The police tried to hold the crowd back. __________________________________ We tried to hold back our laughter. _________________________________ in which dreamt ofhold back 梦想,想像 警察试图拦住人群。(阻拦) 我们尽量忍住笑。(抑制)

2 Now his dream has ______ _________. His dream of being a doctor has come true. _________________________________ 这一伟大的语言正在成为现实。 This great language is ______ _____. 3 Now they’re ______ __ happy new ___ in different areas. live/lead a …life _____________ 过着积极的生活 ______________________ 过着安静的生活 ______________________ 过着简单的生活 ______________________ come true 他成为一名医生的梦想实现了。 coming true living alife 过着(什么样的)生活 live an active life live a quiet life lead a simple life