Responsible Regional Bioeconomy for the 3 Northen Euregions Frans van Dam, Swinda Pfau, Toine Smits Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Science, Innovation and Society 1
This presentation Grünes Gas ends in 2014; what’s next? We, at ISIS, RU Nijmegen have a suggestion: Our proposal: a ‘Responsible Regional Bioeconomy (RRB) in the 3 Northern regions’ Biobased economy (BBE) Socially robust transition towards a BBE in the German / Dutch border region Proposal for a roadmap towards a BBE: first glimpse 2
Recent lessons (such as Grünes Gas) / concept of RRI Make use of regional potential Create possibilities for SMEs – ‘large’ contracts block innovation Stimulate ‘Triple Helix’ cooperation (University, Government, Industry) Decentralized production (e.g. intermediates) feasible Role for governments: coordination, facilitation, quality control EU’s Concept of RRI (Responsible Research & Innovation): Outcomes R&I adequate in long run Societal challenges correspond to needs of societal actors >> early societal involvement >> bottom-up socially robust technologies & installations 3
Bio-Based economy Inspired by: 1.principles of sustainable developemnt 2.threats of climate change 3.need for energy security and self-sufficiency 4.economic potentials Biofuels >> BBE Use of biomass for production of >> However: many routes towards BBE many obstacles 4
Why focus on the German / NL region? 1.Strong regional networks in BBE (Triple Helix) on both sides of border (e.g. Bio Innovation Cluster for ‘BBE hotspot’ Gelderland) 2.Dedicated Universities and hbo’s / Fachhochschulen in BRD / NL 3.Availability of fresh biomass / fiber / dung & sludge Why ISIS? RU / ISIS has longstanding experiences: Linking pin social sciences <> natural sciences Leadership in sustainable planning (Waalweelde) Innovation studies DELaND 5
Roadmap Regional Bioeconomy Aim: Comprenhensive policy vision for socially robust, transboundary bioeconomy in the border region Approach: Deliver a roadmap for government / stakeholders, which facilitates this transition, by using actual cases as they develop Results: By analysing drivers for SMEs, we can assist entrepreneurs Improving education for a stronger regional knowledge base Designing policy framework for government Outcome: what is the Region’s BBE profile? What is our focus? 6
Our plan / Your input Jan – Sept 2014: ISIS will prepare proposal for INTERREG EUROPE ( ) together with (German) partner From Grünes Gas experiences : Which elements would you like to see integrated in our Responsible Regional Bioeconomy program? Frans van Dam: 7