SWEDE – May 2, Austin Tommy Nylec Austin Energy Knowledge Transfer and Design Training
Austin Energy Statistics >400,000 Customers >2,800 MW Generation > 50 Distribution Substations > 10,000 miles of Distribution >1,600 Employees Serve 437 square miles including Austin city limits and neighboring areas Started in 1887
Identified Problems Generational Gap Advancement Opportunities Required Someone to Retire Employees Not Adequately Prepared Needed Way to Fast Track Learning
Lineman Advancement Program Issue first identified in field personnel groups Employee satisfaction was low due to lack of advancement Mandatory participation 3 tier training program Each level requires classroom and OJT End of each tier ends with test and promotion if passed
Design Generational Gap Same issues were present in design groups as construction Faced with high turnover due to upcoming retirements Approximately 50% eligible for immediate retirement with 75% in next 5 years.
Program Overview Define competency levels for each design title Recommended Training Courses from NLC or outside source On Job Training to display competency Include current city training programs as required by policy Flexibility to accommodate new emerging technology Increase employee satisfaction by creating self-paced program
Design Development Program
Current Status Approved by design managers Eagerly awaited by design staff Supported by senior management HR understands needs & supports initiative Pending HR approval
Knowledge Transfer Distribution Design Guidelines 300+ pages of distribution design best practices Considered technical manual Does not provide for every instance Design Criteria Manual 120+ pages of service requirements Covers most instances Adopted as city ordinance Distribution Construction Standards Includes over construction estimating units
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