How to program locally Local, live DJ Live Assist Some local, some syndicated Automation / voice tracking 24/7 network (ABC Radio / Citadel) PD, MD, GM, GSM, NSM, LSM
Radio Music Formats music radio format basics--legal ID, elements (liner / sweeper / stager / jingle), music sweep, front selling and backselling, segué rotation (horizontal and vertical) DJ breaks, stop sets, order of spots in stop set, number of spots per set inventory by hour ('units'),
Personality Radio Kidd Kraddick early days Doug Banks Cody Allen interview Delilah Chris Sifuentes voice tracking
Selling radio radio script formats and approaches TA: radio formats, radio dayparts, radio 'prime time' (7a-7p vs. daypart ranks) Stop sets / spots sets (TV: pods) spec spots, Arbitron ratings and markets, :30s vs. :60s selling packages vs. flights, ROS/BTA/specified rates calculating gross revenue per hour, daypart, day and week, sellout rate, selling CPM/CPP vs. 'good will', make goods
Sales / Programming Terms ADI (Arbitron) DMA (Nielsen) Metro TSL CUME AQH ‘the book’ ‘sweeps’ (TV), ratings periods
DST (Differential Survey Treatment) B- Black ethnic controls H - Hispanic ethnic controls BH- Black and Hispanic ethnic controls
Local vs. national Local direct Local agencies Rep Firm (Katz) Local station sales vs. syndicated shows (how does a national product get onto your local station?)
Air shifts… Target audience Live / personality radio Show prep CONTENT TYPES Bits, phoners, contests, call-ins sources