Social 30 Chapter 3
Words Public property Economic equality Crown Land Crown Corporations
Review What did you think of ANTZ? How can we see collectivism? How can we see individualism? Explain Communism to me! What is Private Property?
Housekeeping Your test will be on Wednesday next week? It will have 25 M/C, other questions. And 4 short answer. Your Antz assignment is due now!
Housekeeping I’ve got almost everything corrected. I will pass things back. If you want your grade some see me. You can make corrections.
Words you should have… Ideology Beliefs Capitalism Collectivism Communism Nation Religion Class
Values Ideological Spectrum Media Culture Liberalism Liberal Democracy. Economic Freedom Individual Rights and Freedoms
Rule of Law Renaissance Enlightenment Social Contract Fundamental Rights Self-Interest Private Property Mercantilism Free Market Economy
The Final words! Public property Economic equality Crown Land Crown Corporations
Collectivism Considering the needs of a group, or the common good, to be more important then an individual in the group. Collective- A group of people. It can refer to a family, nation, race, or any group of people.
Human Interdependence Collectivism is based on the idea that all humans are dependent on each other to have society work. We need everybody, and their respective talents, for society to function effectively. People are not independent, but get fulfillment from human interaction.
An Example: In Canada we all pay employment insurance. Unless you loose your job, you may never access this. What would an Individualist argue? What would a collectivist argue?
Early Collectivist Most early humans were collectivist. Due to the amount of work needed for tasks without modern technology, people had to work together.
Political Collectivism Rousseau was one of the earliest collectivist. His book “the Social Contract” explains how each individual is responsible to the group. Each individual gives up their own interest for the will of society. All rules apply equally to everybody. These ideas have become the basic foundations for ideologies such as Socialism and Communism.
Karl Marx 1848 political philosopher published the communist manifesto. Marx, like Rousseau, felt that capitalism left people poor and a small segment of the population rich. Marx felt that society should share all property and resources for the common good.
Socialism and Communism Ideology in which private property and the distribution of income controlled by everyone. equal access to resources for all individuals. socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society.
Collective Interest Can be thought of as a thought or idea that all members of the group follow in order to benefit the group.
Collective Interest These ideas still work in our society. Our action are often determined on what is best for society over just one person. We listen to the majority or the interest of the majority.
Collective responsibility As well as society having collective interest, we also have collective responsibility. Unions will look after the welfare of their workers, they must also ensure that workers do the best work. A Group may be rewarded or punished for an individuals actions.
Collective Responsibility An Environmentalist perspective: If we don’t start recycling and taking care of our planet in Canada the rest of the world will suffer, as will the children of the future.
Collectivism in North Korea Much different then Canada’s liberal democracy. North Korea is a communist dictatorship. Let’s talk about its history.
North Korea The state was run by Kim il-sung from 1948 until His son Kim Jong-il has been in control since. They have no taxes and the monthly income in an average of $ They have little to no trade with the outside world.
North Korea Communication with other countries is not permitted. The government owns and filters all media that is not supportive. It is illegal to speak up against the president.
The Korean War a military conflict between North Korea and South Korea June 25, 1950, pausing on July 27, The conflict arose from the attempts of the two Korean powers to re-unify A fight between the US and China/Russia.
More info. Literature and arts in North Korea are state- controlled by the Propaganda and Agitation Department. North Korea has the fifth-largest army in the world. at an estimated 1.21 million armed personnel, with about 20% of men aged 17–54 in the regular armed forces.
Collective Responsibility Everybody works for the benefit of the state. It is illegal to work against, or support movements, against the state.
Collectivism and Economic Industrialization led to great wealth. But, workers were not wealthy. This, along with the ideas of Marx, led to collectivism.
Private Property The right to own property is key to individualism. However, in collectivist society people value public property. The idea that each person should have economic equality. Workers should collectively own a factory.
Collectivist Argue What might a collectivist argue about Public Property? What might an individualist argue?
In Canada… We all have private property. But, to a lesser extent we also have collective property. The government owns massive lands known as Crown Lands. The sale or rental of these lands gives money back to the Canadian people. We also have crown corporations.
That’s it we are done…