Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 5 Preparedness for Disasters Chapter 24 Accident and Injury Prevention 1 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Natural and manmade disasters occur randomly, so it’s important to prepare in advance. Emergency Survival Kit
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 5 Preparedness for Disasters Chapter 24 Accident and Injury Prevention 2 << BACK NEXT >> HOME An emergency survival kit will help you get through a disaster if you have to leave your home. The kit should include: Food and water for three days. Flashlight with extra batteries, and candles with matches. Clothing for each family member. First-aid supplies and medications. Important documents such as birth certificates or passports. Emergency Survival Kit
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 5 Preparedness for Disasters Chapter 24 Accident and Injury Prevention 3 << BACK NEXT >> HOME When a natural disaster occurs, here are some rules to remember: Move under a sturdy desk or table in an earthquake. Do not run outside. In storms, stay indoors. If rising water is a problem, or if your home has structural damage from an earthquake, turn off the main power and gas switches. Emergency Survival Kit Home End of Chapter 24 Section 5