Optimum Airspace Partitioning for Center/Sector Boundary Design Arash Yousefi George L. Donohue Research Sponsors: NASA ARC, FAA, Metron Aviation Inc. 1 st International Conference on Research in Air Transportation - ICRAT 2004, November , Zilina, Slovakia
Current Sectorization Has Historical – Not Analytical Origins
Traffic Is Not Uniformly Distributed Among ARTCCs – Productivity Overhead Concern Source: FAA Factbook, March URL:
Given: Demand Profiles and Airport locations Desired: Optimum Center/sector Boundaries?
Optimization Parameter: ATC Workload (Modeling) ATC workload is divided to 4 variables 1.Horizontal Movement Workload (WLHM), 2.Conflict Detection and Resolution Workload (WLCDR), 3.Coordination Workload (WLC), 4.Altitude-Change Workload (WLAC). In each sector or volume of airspace during a given time-interval: More details: Yousefi, A., Donohue, G. L., and Qureshi, M. Q., “Investigation of En route Metrics for Model Validation and Airspace Design”, Proceeding of the 5th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 2003.
Airspace Partitioning for Optimum Boundary Definition Airspace of 20 CON US ARTCCs is divided to three altitude layers with 2,566 cells. Disregarding the existing Center and sector boundaries. Hex-Cells are airspace elements and we compute complexity and workload metrics for each cell based on historic flight data and simulation. 24 nm=0.4 degree lat/long over FL310 FL210-FL310 below FL210 1.Large enough to capture conflicts 2.Small enough for enough resolution
Hexagonal Grid Selection Criteria Common sides between hex-cells within a cluster. Computationally less expensive than triangle. Avoid the acute and right angles in triangle & rectangle that may result to short transit times for aircraft passing close to the edges.
Optimum Airspace Design Process Create hex-cell mesh In 3 layers 2,566 in each layer Actual traffic from ETMS Last Filed routes ~45K daily flights TAAM Simulation Defining design-period Create seeds for potential sectors Optimization Representation of new sector boundaries Airspace Complexity Visualizer (ACV) Hex-cell assignments WL calculation for each hex-cell for 10 min bins Data Pre-processing Post-processing & visualization Simulation/Optimization Traffic variables
TAAM Simulation ~45 K Daily Flights from ETMS Last Filed routes Run Time=8.5 hrs
WL Trend Throughout the Day Low altitude layer High altitude layer
Defining a Design-Period Design Period
Clustering Hex-cells to Construct sectors/Centers
Clustering Algorithm for ARTCC Boundary Design Given: Demand profile and location of current ARTCCs Desired: What are the best ARTCCs to be opened and what is the best boundary? SUBJECT TO: avoiding highly concave ARTCCS number of ARTCCs are given some other ordinary constraints (e.g. assignment of each hex- cell to a single ARTCC, etc) MIN (variation of workload among ARTCCs) MIN (SUM of distances from each hex-cell to current Center locations) MIN (Maximum distance between the hex-cell and the seed)
Locational Analysis & Facility Location Problems GIVEN: - I = {1,..., n} set of candidate locations for facilities - J = {1,..., m} set of demand points Candidate location for facility demand point Not opened
Seed j Hex-cell center i d max d5d5 d4d4 d3d3 d2d2 d1d1 Clustering Algorithm for ARTCC Boundary Design
MINIMIZE (variation of workload among ARTCCs)
MINIMIZE (SUM of distances from each hex-cell to the seed)
MINIMIZE (Max distance between the hex-cell and the seed)
ARTCC Boundary Re-design (Keeping 20 Centers, Changing the boundaries)
Reducing # of ARTCCs to 18
Reducing # of ARTCCs to 5 ABQ JFK, WL=58,760 -Optimization 1- MIN WL Variation & 2- MIN SUM distance & 3- MIN MAX distance
Reducing # of ARTCCs to 4 ABQ -Optimization 1- MIN WL Variation & 2- MIN SUM distance & 3- MIN MAX distance
Clustering Algorithm For Sector Design Given Optimum Center Boundaries, Find the Optimum Sector Boundaries Similar to Center Boundary problems Combinatorial minimization problem SUBJECT TO: sector contiguity avoiding highly concave sectors number of sectors is limited avoid extremely large sectors some other ordinary constraints (e.g. assignment of each hex-cell to a single sector, etc) MIN (variation of workload among sectors)
Conclusion & Future Work Clustering algorithms appear to produce reasonable results both for Center and Sector boundary design Result is Formally an Optimum Solution for Chosen Object Function Optimization approach allows additional constraints (radar coverage, avoiding large airports close to boundaries, etc) Cost - Benefit analysis for selection of best ARTCCs should be done (if goal is Overhead Reduction) Extension of sectorization process for each altitude layer within each ARTCC Using Com or Nav Aids as seeds or put the seeds along the major traffic flow paths One could use RAMS or FACET instead of TAAM NOTE: As an academic research, so far the intention has been to develop a partitioning METHODOLOGY. Future IV&V and cost benefit analysis are essential