Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Carl Heine, Ph.D.
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Session Outline Elements of eMentorship Guidelines, protocols Roles: Mentor, Student, Teacher, Mentorship Supervisor Tools to make it happen Examples of Projects in CoolHub Questions/Feedback
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Elements of Mentorship (SIR) Face to Face Meeting Travel to Lab or Office Synchronous Once a Week Student participation approved by Coordinator Journal Updates Concluding Presentation Mentor Background Check Elements of eMentorship Digital Meeting Online using CoolHub Asynchronous and Synchronous Once a Week or more Student participation approved by Teacher Blog, Shared Docs Updates Concluding Presentation Live and/or Online Mentor Background Check
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Student Participation PlanningInvestigationAnalysisCommunication Students construct viable investigation questions The question exhibits a focus for the student's curiosity The question is compelling and complex for the student Students conduct scholarly background research The student uses multiple and appropriate primary and secondary sources The student evaluates the credibility of the source material The student creates a bibliography Students organize and plan their investigation The student states potential outcomes The student schedules and plans work The student addresses safety issues where appropriate The student acquires all necessary materials Students address implications of the investigation The student addresses ethical implications of the investigation The student discusses societal implications of the content of the investigation
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Student Participation PlanningInvestigationAnalysisCommunication Students select appropriate procedures and methods Procedures and methods are safe and available Procedures and methods can be conducted in the inquiry time frame Students use appropriate procedures and methods The student assesses risk of the procedures and works in a safe manner The student makes multiple observations/examines varied evidence The student selects variables/critical parameters Students document the investigation in a journal The journal contains a record of data and observations The journal contains a detailed record of the methods used The journal contains a record of sources and an annotated bibliography The journal documents discussions of the investigation with advisor and others The student discusses and demonstrates progress The student discusses difficulties and possible solutions The journal documents the student's thinking
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Student Participation PlanningInvestigationAnalysisCommunication Students consider relationships among components of the investigation The student identifies the components The student organizes the components into coherent and cohesive form The student averages and graphs data if appropriate The student performs statistical analysis where appropriate The student conjectures relationships where appropriate The student constructs arguments based on information The student compares the investigation to work by others The student builds systematic arguments or synthesis Students draw and defend conclusions The student considers the limitations of the methods The student discusses uncertainty, if appropriate The student considers the contribution to the field The student reconsiders ethical and societal implications
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Student Participation PlanningInvestigationAnalysisCommunication Students communicate orally to the public about their investigation The student uses good oratory and presentation skills The student conveys concise summary and significance The student uses appropriate visual aids The student balances evidence and discussion The student fields questions well Students communicate their investigation in written format The paper is grammatically and mechanically correct and discipline appropriate The paper is complete and thorough – see discipline specific paper guidelines The paper contains an abstract The paper contains appropriate visual resources The paper contains complete appropriate bibliography, references, or footnotes The paper contains an appendix or addendum as needed
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Teacher Role Student RoleMentor Role Mentor Supervisor studentmentor CoolHub project teacher mentor supervisor
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Teacher Role Student RoleMentor Role Mentor Supervisor Teacher invites Students Teacher oversees Student Inquiry Question Teacher approves Mentor selection Teacher creates Project in CoolHub Teacher monitors Progress of the Mentorship Teacher makes arrangements for Publication (other than CoolHub) Teacher signs off on successful Completion of the Mentorship
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eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Supervisor invites Mentor Supervisor monitors Progress of the Mentorship (optional) Supervisor produces Reports on Mentorship Activity Teacher Role Student RoleMentor Role Mentor Supervisor
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Mentor Joins CoolHub (accepts Invitation) Mentor Completes Personal/Professional Profile Mentor accepts invitation to mentor a Student Mentor interacts with Student on a weekly basis through CoolHub Mentor provides feedback to Teacher Mentor participates in Student presentation (optional) Teacher Role Student RoleMentor Role Mentor Supervisor
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Student Joins CoolHub (accepts Invitation) Student Completes Personal/Professional Profile Student authors an Inquiry Question Students searches CoolHub for a Mentor Student and Mentor collaborate online using CoolHub Student completes weekly writing assignments Students writes a paper and prepares a public presentation Student delivers a public presentation Teacher Role Student RoleMentor Role Mentor Supervisor
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA
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eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Projects in CoolHub Classroom Projects Entrepreneurship at Hubble After-School Projects IMSA Fusion Express Interest-based Projects United Nations of Youth Mentorship Data Developers Workshop Projects Google: Feeling Lucky?
Click to edit Master subtitle style eMentorships C∞lHµb.IMSA Questions?