Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality 7 A: Under 5 Mortality Rate Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
Under 5 Mortality 1992-03 and 2009 All India levels still far from set targets. MP, Assam, UP, Orissa and Rajasthan have a mortality rate more than 70. Delhi, W. Bengal, TN and Kerala have reduced under five mortality more than 50%. Kerala, Karnataka and TN have under 5 mortality rate less than AP. Gujarat with 61 is placed after AP (52). AP has lower under 5 mortality than the all India figures. All the selected states except Orissa have under 5 mortality figures less than the national average
Under Five Mortality Rate 2009, Likely achievement and Targets All India unlikely to attain set targets by 2015. Kerala, TN, W. Bengal, Delhi, J&K, are the only 5 states projected to attain targets. AP ranks 10th and has figures lower than the All India figures. AP ranks 4th in these select states and in the likely achievement of targets. Orissa has a gap of 25 under 5 mortality rate between its likely achievement and Targets while other states have 10.
IMR – 1990 and 2009 Goa has the lowest and MP highest Infant mortality figures. Very little reduction in infant deaths in Kerala from 1990- 2009. Infant deaths still high in most of the big states like MP, Orissa, UP, Rajasthan, and Bihar. The IMR of AP and Gujarat is similar to all India Average figures in 2009-10. Significant reduction in IMR figures of Orissa. Very slight difference in the 1990-2009 IMR figures of Kerala.
Infant Mortality 2009, Likely Achievement and Targets Only Manipur is projected to attain set targets in infant mortality by 2015. The All India Likely achievements is more than 40% below the targets. Gap between targets and likely achievements is more than 20 in almost 10 states. None of the selected states – not even Kerala is likely to attain targets in reducing infant mortality. The gap in likely achievement and target is 50% in AP. AP in the select list of states ranks 5th – just after Orissa infant mortality indicator.
Table 9 A: Percentage of One year old Children (12‐23 months) immunised against Measles