Judge's Education Committee American Rottweiler Club education organization fairness
The Team The JE Team is composed of a coordinator (me), a head presenter (Mrs. Klem) and the team of mentors and presenters (YOU).
Overview Remit - to educate people to judge the Rottweiler In order to achieve the desired goal of distance education of a large unknown audience across the US, it is necessary to have a program and tools available publicly. Today's world = Internet
GOAL FOR 08 - To create, accumulate, and share the tools necessary for the education of: JUDGES, MENTORS AND PRESENTERS
Long-term goal Education: Education for mentors and presenters as well as judges Recruitment of additional regional educators Networking with the JE groups nationwide to provide mentors and seminars Written program tools to assure mentors represent the ARC in knowledge (conformation and standard) and decorum.
HOW ??????
Website and program development Website to include: seminars listing mentors list Judges Handbook Illustrated Standard Articles about conformation Guidelines and application forms Tools for presentations and seminars for download when needed Links to the AKC Judges Education Website for forms and rules Links to Judges Education Groups
The Present Situation and You Judges wanting to add additional breeds The AKC retired the in-ring observation program. AKC program for additional breeds (handout) Where YOU come in Ring side observations Kennel visits
Educate ourselves Illustrated Standard review Review of materials included in the JE Packet Review of mentor and presenter process and rules,
Development up to present Development made up to the current situation Important background information Original forecasts which turned out to be wrong Original forecasts which turned out to be true
Potential Alternatives State the alternative strategies List the pros and cons of each strategy Give a forecast of costs
Recommendation Recommend one or several strategies Give a summary of the expected results Name the next steps to be taken Delegate the various tasks