Creating the environment for business National Emission Ceilings Directive Review Workshop on Plans and Programmes of Air Quality and National Emission.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating the environment for business National Emission Ceilings Directive Review Workshop on Plans and Programmes of Air Quality and National Emission Ceilings Directives Thursday 2nd September 2004 Alistair Ritchie, Entec UK

Creating the environment for business 2 Agenda Project Objectives Proposed Approach Deliverables Benefits to Member States

Creating the environment for business 3 Project Objectives “to provide support to the Commission in the review of the NEC Directive and to analyse in depth some aspects of its implementation” Main tasks –1: In depth analysis of NEC national programmes –2: Feasibility of an emission ceiling for PM –3: First draft NEC review report and recommendations for the Thematic Strategy

Creating the environment for business 4 Proposed Approach: Task 1 In depth analysis of the NEC national programmes Inter-comparison of NEC national programmes Consistency of NEC national programmes with other submissions Projections made under national programmes Administrative and political procedure of adoption in Member States –Information request to be issued shortly –Scope –Benefits and importance

Creating the environment for business 5 Proposed Approach: Task 1 In depth analysis of the NEC national programmes Outputs –Analysis of NEC national programmes –Proposals for additional essential questions for each Member State –Proposals for guidelines to ensure harmonisation

Creating the environment for business 6 Proposed Approach: Task 2 Feasibility of an emission ceiling for Particulate Matter Helen ApSimon, Imperial College London Structure of research –Options for setting ceilings & potential benefits beyond air quality limit values –Challenges in deriving ceilings & assessing compliance –Conclusions on the feasibility & related reporting requirements Information sources –Position Paper on PM; CAFE baseline scenario; AQEG work; PM Cost Curves; EMEP; additional information sources to be identified

Creating the environment for business 7 Issues PM size fraction Sectors / processes / fuels, considering chemical speciation Geographic locations Primary / secondary Absolute / relative values Outputs –Clear recommendations for the introduction of emission ceiling for PM, with analysis of pros and cons and limitations of such an approach Proposed Approach: Task 2 Feasibility of an emission ceiling for Particulate Matter

Creating the environment for business 8 Proposed Approach: Task 3 NEC review report and recommendations Review report required under Articles 9, 10 & 12 of NECD Scope excludes proposals for modifications of ceilings and / or IEOs as well as further reductions aimed at meeting LTOs Collation and review of data from: –Task 1 outputs –other EC contracts (IIASA, AEA, Milieu, Entec etc) –EEA –EMEP –Etc Additional analysis to cover data gaps

Creating the environment for business 9 Elements to consider within the review Proposed Approach: Task 3 NEC review report and recommendations Policy Drivers 1. Policy drivers affecting NEC sources Emission sources Uncertainty NECs IEOs / LTOs 5. Meeting IEOs / LTOs (i) COST EFFECTIVE (ii) MARGINAL CBA (iii) IMPLEMENTATION 3. Meeting the NECs 2. BAU emissions projections 4. Consequences for IEOs / LTOs

Creating the environment for business 10 Outputs –Technical report summarising results of additional analysis conducted by Entec –First draft review report as required by the Directive –Recommendations for the Thematic Strategy Proposed Approach: Task 3 NEC review report and recommendations

Creating the environment for business 11 Inception report - delivered to EC Interim report - December 2004 Draft final report - February 2005 Final report - March 2005 Deliverables

Creating the environment for business 12 Guidelines to ensure harmonisation of national programmes Clear recommendations for the potential introduction of a ceiling for PM Identification of key administrative and policy measures to facilitate implementation of the NECD Collation and review of significant quantity of relevant information in developing NECD review report Benefits of this study to Member States