WEATHER SYNOPSIS In the wake of TS Faxai, H pressure building to the E and Nwlys to the W set up shear line over Guam. Shear line developing and approaching around Sat, bringing clouds and precip over Guam through Monday Low CAPE until Sat when ISO/SCTSH and BKN conditions in forecast as tropical disturbance freshens trades. Sun/Mon tropical disturbance moves SW contributing to Ely 500 hPa flow and CAPE FLIGHT SYNOPSIS Fri looks OK for flying, but increasing cloud cover throughout the day Cloud ceiling could be a problem at Sat landing time Cloud ceiling on Sun takeoff is not favorable for flying, but clearing throughout the day Cloud ceiling and precip at Mon landing time look bad windcld cover (base)preciplanding Fri (03AM)NE10-15SCT020, BKN080ISO NE10-15, SCT020 BKN035 Sat (03AM)NE10-15SCT015, BKN035-SCT ENE15-20 BKN020 Sun (03AM)ENE15-20BKN020 (not favorable but clears)-SCTE10-15 Mon (03AM)E5-10BKN035 (not favorable landing->)SCT E5-10 BKN/OVC010
Satellite IR ~23UTC (9AM TUE) ~22UTC (8AM THU)
Metogram Fri T.O. Fri Land Sat T.O.Sat Land Sun T.O. Sun Land Mon NE10 NE15 NE10 NE15G E10 E10 SE10 SCT SCT SCT BKN BKN BKN BKN
GFS 500hPa RH & Winds Take Off Fri 4amSat 4am Sun 4amMon 4am L L L H H H L H
GFS 1000 hPa Precip & Winds Take Off Fri 4amSat 4am Sun 4amMon 4am L L L L
GFS 850hPa RH & Winds Take Off Fri 4amSat 4am Sun 4amMon 4am L L LL
GFS CAPE & Sfc Winds Take Off Fri 4amSat 4am Sun 4amMon 4am L L L L
GFS Low Clouds & 850 hPa Winds Take Off Fri 4amSat 4am Sun 4amMon 4am L L LL