Final Regional Meeting Milano, December 14th 2007 Project supported by the European Commission Eco - innovation in Regione Lombardia Giuseppe Rotondaro.


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Presentation transcript:

Final Regional Meeting Milano, December 14th 2007 Project supported by the European Commission Eco - innovation in Regione Lombardia Giuseppe Rotondaro Regione Lombardia Environmental Protection Department Deputy General Manager

Regione Lombardia: a driving force for Italy Lombardia Region is located in Northern Italy at the crossroad of important Trans-European Networks: the East – West corridor between the Balkans and the Iberian Peninsula and the North – South corridor between Continental Europe ant the Mediterranean. With 9,475,202 inhabitants, Lombardia Region is one of the four motors of Europe. It is the 4 th largest Italian region and the most populated, with a GDP about 21% of the national GDP. About 15% of national enterprises are located in our Region, including great, medium and small enterprises; in the Region are located 8000 national and multinational companies. 36% of GDP is produced by the industrial sector, 62% by service, 2% by agriculture. Craft is also very important, contributing to about 1/6 of the total regional economy an to about the 18% of the national craft production. Lombardia is the most important Italian financial market, import sector covers the 40% of the national import and export covers the 30% of the national export. Its territory includes both natural and industrial areas.

Regional policies for eco-innovation 1. Policies and programs for Environmental management and sustainability 2. Policy and programs for Air emission reduction and clean technologies - transportation and mobility - stationary sources 3. Energy policies and actions in the field of - renewable sources and energy re-use - remote heating system - energy saving 4. Waste management / treatment policies and actions 5. Knowledge management - human capital

ECREINetwork Project The Platform of Lombardia Region Regional System - Arpa Lombardia -Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Lombardia - Cestec s.p.a. - Finlombarda S.p.A Private Sector (paper recycling) University - Research Centre - Development Network - University of Milan, Bicocca - IUAV, University of Venice - Green Management Institute Chambers of Commerce - Unioncamere Lombardia - Chamber of Commerce of Milan - Sustainable Development Network

Existing measures have been analyzed on the following grounds: 1.Stage of the innovative process: Measures focusing on research and demonstration: monitoring, pilot projects, studies and analyses Measures regarding development and export/dissemination into the market 2.Financial/economic instruments 3.Main beneficiary sectors directly involved: SME/production areas Building industry Mobility and Transport Local authorities/institutions Private individuals and other stakeholders 4.Other specifications of the action: Synergies/agreements with various stakeholders Simplification/Regulation Information/Communication Inventory of existing Measures (State and Regional level)

Measures to promote and foster relationships and interactions with competent Authorities A new “Agency”, where public and private actors cooperate to promote and implement sustainability policies 1R Measures aimed at business counselling on eco-innovation, environmental technology and BAT To ensure that production systems and processes comply with ecological requirements 1R To promote the clustering of SMEs in the application of environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO) 1R Sectorial support to SMEs to define the best environmental technologies available at sustainable costs 1R Support the application of the IPPC Directive after the authorization phase, by promoting and assisting BAT research, development and application 3R Support to applied research and innovation concerning products and production processes life cycle (life-cycle thinking), 3R Proposals

Facilitate and support Regional, European and non-European partnership initiatives for applied research 1R Promote eco-innovation programs among SMEs in different sectors 1R+N Foster the transformation of applied research into innovative products and services 2R Benchmarking initiatives and technological matching among companies to implement innovative solutions and new technologies 3R Measures aimed at implementing technology and know-how transfer to SMEs, as well as at promoting R&D among SMEs Economic measures New economic measures in favor of SMEs sustainable best practices 1R+N Promote green procurement by extending the range of products included in the incentive mechanisms, as well as the specific targets (from public to private sector) 1R New incentives to support “green” market areas2R Proposals

Financial measures Favour the matching of investors and financial institutions with companies operating in the field of eco-innovation, to involve private capital 1R+N Increase local sustainability on the ground of a list of priorities shared by the stakeholders 1R+N Measures aimed at promoting partnerships among SMEs, their representatives, banking institutions, public bodies and the scientific community Involve financial institutions in the application of environmental measures through instruments of economic and financial aid 1R Agreements among different partners for pilot projects on priority themes 2R Agreements among different economic and financial partners (institutions, banking institutions, business) 3R Proposals

Measures aimed at information and communication (existing instruments and Best Practices) PriorityLevel Inform consumers and companies on research results at local level 1R Strengthen information and communication to different targets 1R Increase participation and dialogue among the stakeholders 3R Proposals

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