Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan gained independence from India in 1947 - the States of British India were asked to decide to go with India or Pakistan. Population was 75% Muslim, but the ruler (maharajah) was Hindu. He decided on going with India.
Conflict in Kashmir War followed - intervention of U.N. left 80% of the territory (and capitol) to India.
Pakistan’s Concerns Human rights (self-determination) Majority of Kashmir people are Muslim; therefore, Pakistan argues free choice should deliver Kashmir to Pakistan. Also Indian control of irrigation water from Indus River that is needed in Pakistan.
India’s Concerns India has invested heavily in building infrastructure in Kashmir since the U.N. decision.
Kashmir Conflict 3 Wars in 50 years – many near wars Cease-fire line - called Line of Control
Recent Developments Muslim insurgency in 1988 resulted in harsh tactics from India, causing a growth in support Kashmiri extremism. Bin Laden's support starting in 1996 has increased organization and lethality of Kashmiri insurgents. Near war in 1999 and 2003 Continued guerrilla attacks
Global Effect 1998 - both India and Pakistan tested nuclear bombs, making a local war a global issue.