Committed to Changing LIVES Increasing Access to SRH Services through Social Franchising with Private Practitioners in Rural Areas of Pakistan Presentation by Amir Hameed (Regional Director, Federal, Gilgit Baltistan, Azad Jamu & Kashmir ) Pakistan Rahnuma - Family Planning Association of Pakistan
Committed to Changing LIVES Case Study by a Private Practitioner (Ms. Sabiha Fatima – LHV, Kachi Basti) A 19 year old girl Shamim visited me with an issue of abnormal hair growth over her face and body. Due to inadequate technical knowledge of the issue, I was unable to counsel/ treat her problem. I kept on proposing her herbal medication. She left my clinic with disappointment and started searching solution from various quacks. I was later enrolled by FPAP and received training on SRH issues counseling. Now I know what I could have done for the girl but it is never late. I feel that I can help lots of young girls who come up with some SRH problems.
Committed to Changing LIVES Problem Statement 64% Population of Pakistan lives in rural/peri-urban settings with majority depending upon Private Health Practitioners (who have a limited range of SRH services and poor quality of care) to access services. Majority of the private practitioners especially in Rural settings are focusing on providing primary health services and safe-motherhood with limited knowledge and services on FP.
Committed to Changing LIVES Strategic Interventions Mapping and Enrolment of PPs in Peri-urban and Rural settings. Hiring of Community mobilizers from the same respective settings. Capacities building of selected PPs on diverse range of essential SRH Services. Up gradation of Infrastructure and commodities supply. Quality Assurance through regular visits by Quality Assurance Doctor. Establishment of strong Referral Mechanism. Monitoring and Reporting.
Committed to Changing LIVES Before After Facilities Upgraded
Committed to Changing LIVES Lesson Learnt The Mid-Level Services Providers are more accessible to the rural community and low Socio-economic group, because they are offering services at low cost. Building the Technical capacity of PPs can expand the basket of SRH services. Hiring of local Community Mobilizer helps in strengthening the referrals to PPs.
Committed to Changing LIVES Together we can make a difference Thank You