Appendix 7.6 Radiation Effects Steering Group Report Timothy Oldham 29 Feb-1March 2008
Highlights 2007 NSREC was held at Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu 2007 NSREC expects to return about % to NPSS 2006 NSREC has closed it books, audit not yet complete 2007 Radecs was held in Deauville, France, Sept 10-14, with about 300 attendees and over 100 papers
Issues 2007 NSREC had $34,000 discrepancy, due to change in IEEE accounting software—resolved when IEEE found its error Request from Jane Lehr to consider changing Radiation Effects officer terms to begin/end with calendar year Revised Awards schedule—hope to do better next year Search ability for pre-1988 TNS issues? Thanks to Teresa Farris (Publicity)—she makes RE look good in many areas!
Upcoming NSRECs 2008—J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort, Tucson, AZ, July, Conference Chair, Paul Dodd, Sandia 2009—Quebec Hilton, Quebec, Canada, July, Conference Chair, Mark Hopkins, Aerospace 2010—Sheraton, Denver, CO, July 19-23, Conference Chair, Joe Benedetto, 2011—Conference Chair, Kay Jobe, Boeing, recommended site is Crown Plaza, St. Paul, MN