Pakistan Chapter of The Talloires Network (PCTN) Gul-e-Zehra Manager PCTN
The Talloires Network The Talloires Network (TN) is an international association of institutions that envisions universities around the world as a vibrant and dynamic force in their societies Based at Tufts University, USA In 2005 Vice Chancellors from 29 universities around the world signed the Talloires Declaration Network has over 320 members in 72 countries with a combined enrollment of over 6 million students
Formation of PCTN PCTN was formed on July 1, 2013 at NUST At that time 35 Pakistani universities joined it
Pakistan Chapter Pakistan Chapter of the Talloires Network (PCTN) is a consortium of 63 Pakistani universities working to build a culture of volunteerism at institutions of higher education in Pakistan. It is committed to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service learning at universities under the strategic focus provided by HEC and The Talloires Network.
HEC’s Strategic Focus
PCTN’s Vision Pursuing HEC’s strategic thrust of universities building communities, PCTN envisions to capture dynamism of Pakistani Universities’ youth and impact the society positively by incorporating civic engagement and community service into their research and teaching missions.
Mission To strengthen civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education by building a national movement of engaged universities
Steering Committee
PCTN Secretariat
TN Steering Committee Recently Engr Muhammad Asghar (Chair PCTN),has also been elected to the Steering Committee of The Talloires Network (TN) for a 3 year term which started in January 2015.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERSHIP Create institutional policies and structures to strengthen your own civic engagement Foster mutually beneficial partnerships between universities and communities Share your experience with other Network member institutions Support the civic engagement and social responsibility work of other Talloires Network members and of academic associations Raise awareness about contributions of higher education to social advancement and well-being Document and disseminate examples of university work that benefit communities
What PCTN does Publishes bi-annual newsletters to share and highlight the community service activities of its member universities across Pakistan Maintains a website which provides links to community service activities of member universities Holds seminars and conferences on various community issues in Pakistan Gives out best community service awards to recognize efforts of students and faculty across Pakistan Connects members for cross training activities related to community service Promotes making community service a part of curriculum
Member Universities 1. National University of Sciences & Technology 2.Abdul Wali Khan University 3.Agha Khan University 4.Bahria University 5.Beaconhouse National University 6.Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology 7.Balochistan Univ of IT, Engineering & Management Sciences 8.COMSATS Institute of Technology 9.DHA Suffa University 10.DOW University of Health Scieces 11.Dawood University of Engineering & Technology 12.Fatima Jinnah Women University 13.Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology 14.Foundation University 15.Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology 16.Gomal University 17.Govt. College University, Faisalabad 18.Greenwich University 19.HITECH University 20. Indus University 21. Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture
….contd 22. Institute of Business & Technology 23. Institute of Space Technology 24. International Islamic University 25. Iqra University 26. Islamia University of Bahawalpur 27. Karakoram International University 28. KASBIT 29. Khyber Medical University 30. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar 31. King Edwards Medical University 32. Kinnaird College for Women 33. Lahore College for Women University 34. Lahore University of Management Sciences 35. Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Sciences 36. National Textile University 37. National University of Modern Languages 38. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences 39. NED University Of Engineering and Technology 40. NWFP University of Engineering and Technology 41. Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi 42. Quaid.e.Azam University
…contd 43. Riphah International University 44. Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology 45. Shah Abdul Latif University 46. Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University 47. Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University 48. Sindh Agriculture University 49. Sindh Madressatul Islam University 50. Sukkur Institute of Business Administration 51. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 52. University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir 53. University of Faisalabad 54. University of Haripur 55. University of Health Sciences, Lahore 56. University Of Lahore 57.University of Management Sciences and Information Technology, Kotli 58. University of Sargodha 59. University of Sindh 60. University of the Punjab 61. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 62. Virtual University of Pakistan 63. Ziauddin University
Highlights of PCTN members NUST Community Service Club’s Education for Empowerment won first place in Mac Jannet Prize for Global Citizenship The program serves a variety of community needs related to education, with the aim of empowering the community.
Prize winners of 1 st PCTN Comm Svc Awards
Greenwich University wins 2nd prize at The Talloires Network Leaders Conference (TNLC) Video Competition, The video covered how students at the university are actively helping Pakistan to get rid of the Polio demon, ‘striving to create an improved future for our nation.’
Lahore University of Management Sciences’ program ‘Literaty Pakistan’ won the YEPI award in Literaty Pakistan became one of the 8 programs to win the coveted Youth Economic Participation Initiative (YEPI) grant of $350,000 to be given in three years. Literaty is an initiative aimed at cultural revival and bringing the youth towards social enterprise and development.
Beaconhouse National University Beaconhouse National University won the honorable mention in 2013 in Mac Jannet Prize for global Citizenship for their program ‘Humnawa’. BNU had joined hands with Sungi Development Foundation and Bunyad Foundation in 2010 to mobilize a team of thirteen BNU students of Textiles and Jewelry and Accessory departments to conduct a customized training program in skills and product development for 200 women in Alipur, a district in Southern Punjab.
Urban Health Programme of Agha Khan Medical University Won 1 st place in MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship in This innovative and long-standing programme is sustainable university-based civic engagement effort and focuses on providing primary health care and socio-economic support in katchi abadis in Karachi.
NUST holds 2 blood dontaion drives a year collecting 300+ donations in each Bahria University established computer lab at Pakistan Sweet Homes Talent Hunt Program at Sukkur IBA- 1 st prize winner in PCTN awards Free Cochlear implant surgeries at Dow University IST renovates school in Kurtana NUST collects Rs 7 million for IDPs Thalassemia Awareness Campaign held at UAJK TUF helping people struck by Thar Drought Bahria University Med and Dental College conducts free dental camps
Series of workshops for seminary teachers is in progress at UoH Donation campaign for IDPs by FJWU Riphah provides drinking water to drought stricken people of Thar International Anticorruption Day celebrated at VU NUST students bio-gas plant Pink ribbon celebration at LCWU Leporsy awareness at DSU UOL contruts houses for flood affectees Vigil for victims of Army Public School, Peshawar by NUML students
Benefits of joining PCTN * Your university, faculty and students will get connected to all other member universities of the country * Your contributions towards civic engagement activities will be shared via PCTN newsletter and website with all other Pakistani universities and via TN newsletter around the world * All shared activities by all member universities will serve as a source of motivation for students and faculty * Members will be able to join cross training workshops amongst member universities on community service * Members can share about running or improving a community service course and its curriculum
…contd * Members will be eligible to submit and present their work for participation into community service awards. The Best Community Service Projects awards were given in 2015 to IBA Sukkur, NUST, University of Agriculture, and Greenwich University * University would be able to participate in decision making forums, on how to tailor our joint effort for the betterment of our communities and the country * University would be able to participate in conferences and seminars and share their best practices in community service * University heads can be part of decision making forums both at PCTN and TN
How to join In order to join the network, the university needs to send a letter of commitment signed by the President, Rector, or Vice- Chancellor. The letter should be addressed to Chair PCTN, Engr. Muhammad Asghar (Rector, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad) Along with the letters include a brief overview of your university’s civic engagement activities. The university must also designate a focal person who would be the point of contact for all community service related activities The letter for PCTN membership can be scanned and ed to
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