Keeping Up with FFA Facebook:Northwest FFA Instagram: NorthwestFFA Twitter: Northwest_FFA
Show Projects Mrs. DealMr. YeagerMr. Cleveland SwineGoatsAg Mech. Projects LambsCattle Mandatory Swine Meeting Sep. 9 th Kelly W. Box Ag. Center Mandatory Cattle/Goat Meeting Sep. 1 st Kelly W. Box Ag. Center
Which class are you interested in?
Ms. Deal Floral Design Horticulture/Landscape Principles of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources
Mr. Yeager Livestock Production Agriculture Mechanics / Metal Technology Veterinary Medical Applications
Mr. Cleveland Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Ag Mechanics and Metal Technology Agriculture Facilities Design and Fabrication / Problems and Solutions Small Animal Management/ Equine Science
Become a Member FFA Dues $15 for membership $25 for Membership and t-shirt Must pay dues to participate in any FFA activity throughout the year. Deadline: October 23rd
FFA Meetings!! Dodge ball meeting: September 4 th Halloween meeting: October 13 th Cops and Robbers: November 10 th Christmas Dance: December 11 th Corn Hole meeting: February 9 th Ag Olympics: April 19 th Banquet: May 26 th Other Events: Homecoming Parade: 6 th, 8 th, 14 th, & 15 th (Building FFA Float) Third Grade Field day November 17 and 18th
“Fall” into LCDE’s with us! Leadership Career Development Events : Leadership Development Events focus on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication and their knowledge of agriculture and the FFA organization. Team and individual events are used to reinforce what is taught in agricultural science classrooms. Ag Issues 2011 LCDE Teams
Who has what? Miss. DealMr. YeagerMr. Cleveland Jr. & Sr. QuizAg IssuesJr. & Sr. Skills Jr. & Sr. CreedAg AdvocacyRadio Public RelationsJr. Chapter ConductingSr. Chapter Conducting Job Interview Pick your contest by WHAT you like NOT WHO you like!
“Spring” into CDE’s with us! Career Development Events: Career Development Events build on what is learned in agricultural classes and encourage members to put their knowledge into practice. These events are designed to help a member prepare for a career in agriculture by testing and challenging the student's technical, leadership, interpersonal and teamwork skills as well as their knowledge of the subject matter. CDEs answer the question, "When will I use this knowledge in the real world?"
Who’s Judging who? Miss DealMr. YeagerMr. Cleveland Horse EvaluationEntomologyPoultry Judging FloricultureAg MechanicsMilk Quality Dairy Cattle JudgingWoolVet Tech Farm Business ManagementCotton Pick your contest by WHAT you like NOT WHO you like!
Northwest FFA Officer Team Students from Left to Right: Tori Dowdy, Catherine Luft, Hannah Ragsdale, Bree Von Hellborn, Hannah Salvadge, Elli Ragsdale and Hannah Walker