Digital artifacts for remebering and storytelling: PostHistory and Social Network Fragments F. B. Viegas, D boyd, D. H. Nguyen, J. Potter, and J. Donath Speaker: Huang, Yi-Ching
What is life? Sharing life with others has more fun
About storytelling Telling Stories with MyLifeBits Location, sensor, photo …etc. Digital artifacts for remebering and storytelling PostHistory Social Network Fragments
About papers 1 F. B. Viegas, D boyd, D. H. Nguyen, J. Potter, and J. Donath. Digital artifacts for remembering and storytelling: Posthistory and social network fragments. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, January J. Gemmell, A. Aris, and R. Lueder. Telling stories with mylifebits. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pages , July J. Gemmell, R. Lueder, and G. Bell. The mylifebits lifetime store. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMM Workshop on Experiential Telepresence (ETP 2003), pages 80-83, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press.
Introduction Two projects PostHistory Social Network Fragments Visualize one’s social interactions in over time
Intentions Patterns in are inaccessible Social network exchange rhythms The role of time in these patterns Why visualize? Visualize what? Social landscapes Time and change
PostHistory Focus on 2 dimensions of Time Dyadic relationships with ego Visualize the changes in interaction between ego and their contacts over time
Impementation Daily averages Daily “quality” of s Frequency of exchanges with contacts Comparative frequency of exchanges with contacts
Calendar panelContacts panel
Circular mode
Vertical mode
Alphabetical mode
Social Network Fragments Explore the structure of an individual’ social network Reflect different facet of personal life Visualize the patterns during one’s life digital interactions
Structure Knowledge ties Awareness ties Weak awareness ties List awareness ties Trusted ties
Social network panelhistory panel
Small Evaluation Test user: 10 people Use one of the two systems 2 hours interaction Case studies: 2 people Use both two systems 10 hours interaction
User’s Reaction Be excited to recognize almost all the names on the screen Be eager to share the stories with the people involved
Concerns User want to highlight the meaningful periods of activity for future reference Multiple levels High-level Lower-level Too many names to read in overall visualization Cannot understand the pattern’s meaning
Discussion Not only reflect personally, but also share story Privacy The data is incomprehensible without explanation Where to go from here Solution: Public display Semi-public display Personal
Conclusion PostHistory and Social Network Fragments are designed to reveal social patterns in archives Share memories and storytelling props