LESSON 4 自我介紹信 & 求職申請信. Why cover letter? (1) Most employers read your cover letter first (2) Cannot speak to the person directly (3) A writing sample.


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Presentation transcript:

LESSON 4 自我介紹信 & 求職申請信

Why cover letter? (1) Most employers read your cover letter first (2) Cannot speak to the person directly (3) A writing sample of yours (4) The first connection between you and the company

REVIEW—Formal Letter First Paragraph-- short purpose Subsequent Paragraphs – Relevant information behind the writing – Essentials and concentrate/clear and logical Last Paragraph– what you hope others to do ※ Proofread your letter ※

Basic Structure I. 1.What position are you going to apply for? 2.Self-introduction (simple). 3.Your qualification. 4.Asking (politely) for an interview.


 Purpose I’m writing to apply for the position of … I’m seeking a job as an … I’m writing in reply to your advertisement for… I’ve long been interested in working for your company. I have exactly the background you’re asking for.

Dear Mr. White, My name is Ryoma Cheng, a recent graduate of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. I’m writing to apply for the position of development engineer. I’ve been hoping to find the kind of position you’re offering because I have exactly the background you’re asking for. I majored in computer science and have three years experience in related fields. I believe this should qualify me for the position. Enclosed herewith are copies of my diplomas and resume for your reference. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Jeanne Yang Main Purpose: Apply for a job HOW TO BEGIN? The job you are applying for+ What qualifications do you have?

What you can use…  I’m writing to apply for the position of …  I’m seeking a job as an …  I’m writing in reply to your advertisement for… Express your Enthusiasm  I’ve long been interested in working for your company.  I have exactly the background you’re asking for.

Main Content

Rule of thumb Who you are and what you are about. Who you are and what you are about. – Your experience & profession: – I was an employee of … – (Profession) I specialize in… – (Profession) I am able to… – (Experience) I have rich experience in … – (Major) I majored in… Be Clear: How much information? Be Clear: How much information? Show your capacity  (1) Show your capacity : Why you are suitable for the job. Simply& Efficient :  (II) Simply& Efficient : Hook readers’ attention.

Questions to Ask… Where are you from? (Do your roots reveal something about yourself that's new for the reader? ) What activity has played or plays an important part in your life? Have you developed a very special skill? What is your personal goal? What distinguishes you from other individuals?

Questions to ask II. 1.Why the company? 2.Why you? a)Have you developed a very special skill? b)What distinguishes you from other applicants?

Dear Mr. White, I’m writing to apply for the position of computer clerk. I majored in computer science and have three years experience in this work. I believe this should qualify me for the position. Enclosed herewith are copies of my diplomas and resume for your reference. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Jeanne Yang  簡單地介紹自己的基本資料以及 與此職位的相關經歷,如相關科系畢業,有相關證照或曾 經從事相關工作。並說明為何適合此職位的原因。 Example 1

Example 2 (Simplified Ver.) 基本資料 + 簡 述相關經歷。 強調自己的能力。

Example 3

Impress the reader with a finishing touch I am confident that my experience can fulfill the requirements of this position. I believe that my skills could be of use to your company. I believe I am the best man for this position.


Maintain Momentum --- An Interview  Passive : you decide…  Active : Tell the reader when…  Active + : I’ll call you and meet you asap.  EXTRA:  Contact information & Certifications

PASSIVE CLOSE A copy of my resume is enclosed for your consideration. If you have an interest in my background, I would be pleased to hear from you. …you can contact me if you like it. I’ve enclosed my resume,…

ACTIVE CLOSE Perhaps we could meet and discuss my qualification in detail. I’m flexible on timing during business hours or afterwards. Perhaps we can meet and discuss my qualification. I can meet you at your convenience.

ACTIVE + CLOSE I’m eager to meet with you to discuss my qualification. You can reach me immediately on my mobile phone at Thank you for your time and consideration. I really want to meet with you ! Please contact me as soon as possible, Thank you !

– Be grateful: – Be grateful: Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Thank you for considering my application I would be very grateful for your consideration. – Asking for an interview: I would appreciate it if you can grant me an interview. I am available to come for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you. I'm looking forward to your reply


基本架構 (review) 1. 點明來信目的 : 應徵。 Ex. I’m writing to apply for the position of finance manager. 2. 簡述相關經歷。 Ex. I’m specialized semiconductor circuits design and have rich experience in patent claims. 3. 表示期待面試機會。 Ex. I would be very grateful for your consideration.

實用例句分析 地一部分 : 說明自己要應徵的職位, 並表達對應徵此職位的熱誠。 實用例句 : 1. I’m writing (I wish) to apply for the position of ….. 2. I’m replying to your advertisement for …. 3. I would like to apply for… 4. I’m seeking a job as an ….. 加強自己的動機及對方的印象 :  加強自己的動機及對方的印象 : 1. I’ve long been interested in working for your company. 2. I have exactly the background you’re asking for.

第二部分 : 簡述自己的基本資料以及與此職 位的相關經歷。並說明為何適合此職位的 原因。 實用例句 :  介紹自己的經歷及專長 : 1. I was an employee of ….. for… I’m specialized in…… 3. I am able to….. 4. I have rich experience in …… 5. I majored in …  適度地表達自己能勝任此份工作 (optional): 1. I am confident that my experience can fulfill the requirements of this position. 2. I believe that my skills could be of use to your company. 3. I believe I am the best man for this position. 4. I believe I am the best man for the job.

第三部分 : 表示期待得到回信或面試的機會。 實用例句:  適度地感謝對方 : 1. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. 2. Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you.  表示期待得到回信或面試的機會 : 1. I would be very grateful for your consideration. 2. I would appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. 3. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can fully explain my qualifications. 4. I am available to come for an interview at your convenience. 5. I look forward to hearing from you. 6. I’m looking forward to your reply.